Important Information! October 30th -Nov 3rd Mrs. Henley ~ 3rd Grade Important Information! No Homework this week! Enjoy the holiday and time with your family. Feel free to encourage your child to read each night and practice their multiplication facts. If you have not returned my letter requesting a meeting for parent teacher conferences, please return these as soon as possible. Please make sure you have purchased earbuds for your child to use with their laptop. These are essential. Please make sure your child charges their laptop each night and brings it to school each day. If they do not do this, they will receive a strike. Three strikes results in the loss of their laptop for one week. Laptop use in an important part of our learning each day. What’s going on this week? Reading: We will be learning about the difference between an author’s point of view and a character’s point of view. Math: We will be learning how to multiply using a number line! Science: We will begin our study of the skeletal system! Writing: Text-Dependent writing strategies! Upcoming Dates November 6th- Book Fair Begins November 9th- Parent Teacher Conferences ½ Day Early Release November 10th- No School, Veterans Day November 22nd-26th- Thanksgiving Break Connect Schedule Monday- Computer Lab Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- Guidance Thursday- Library Friday-Music/Art/Spanish