Team SmashED Rube Goldberg Project
The Design Team Meg Morris Willie Flaherty Patrick Caveney Rachel Kidd
Overview of Device Design Starts with a ramp ( representing projectile motion) Ball rolls down ramp into a cup The pulleys jerk a box balancing on a piece of wood (center of mass)
Overview of Device Design The box is thrown off its center of mass causing a golf ball to roll into another cup balanced on a wood dowel The cup is then weighted down and hits a set mouse trap A string is attached to mouse trap which jerks a paper from in front of the banner
Conceptual Energy Transfers Equations used:
Design Flaws/ Construction Issues Design: Two pieces of plywood held together by screws aided by supports Thin wood- some cracking Supporting the design was challenging Large design made construction complicated
Conclusions Successful Project Would find a better wood for future design Energy transfers through objects were successful