Casos confirmados de sarampión después de la interrupción de la transmisión endémica Las Américas, 2003-2016* N=1.966 Tasa= 1,9 x 1.000.000 habitantes N=1.369 Número de casos confirmados Tasa por 1.000.000 habitantes N=613 N=473 The distribution of confirmed measles cases following the interruption of endemic measles transmission clearly shows a period of 8 years between 2003-2010, with an annual average of 153 cases per year. However, since 2011 we started to face a big number of imported measles cases with many outbreaks in some of the larger countries of our Region like Brazil, Canada and The United States. The higher rate of confirmed cases was reached in 2014 with 1.9 cases per million people, which still is lower than the rate of 5 per million people established as a milestone by the World Health Assembly in 2010. N=143 N=59 Fuente: ISIS, MESS e informe de los países a FGL-IM/OPS. *Datos de semana epidemiológica 33, 2016.