CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) New plan Developed by Carl Anderson, PetroSafe Technologies, Inc. MOUSA Safety established goals for new plan Compliance with all Local, State and Federal Regulations Aid Responders Developed to complement, not replace, existing ERP required by various regulatory requirements, EPA, DEQ, Coast Guard, DHS, etc. Review of Plan
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Section 1 INTRODUCTION Purpose and Objective Scope Principles Responsibilities Training, Drills and Exercises Training guides
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Section 2 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Incident Command Organization Emergency Response Team Crisis Management Team Obtaining Resources ICP EOC ICS Duties of ICS Position Responsibilities
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Section 3 DISCOVERY AND RESPONSE ACTIONS Initiating Emergency Alert and Response Determining Appropriate Level of Response Unusual Event, minor injury, spill or release Levels 1,2 and 3 Activation the Response Team Activating the Crisis Management Team
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Section 4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS Hazardous Material Release Explosion and Fire Explosive Vapor Release Injury or Fatality Search and Rescue Security Threat Severe Weather, see Hurricane Plan Other revisions to come, Severe Thunderstorms, Tornados
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Section 5 ICS Command Staff Checklist Staff Responsibility Checklists Incident Commander Safety Officer PIO Security Officer Liaison Officer
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Section 6 ICS General Staff Checklists Operations Section Chief Production & Recovery Section Chief Logistics Section Chief Planning Section Chief Finance Section Chief
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Section 7 Emergency Contact Directory ERT Crisis Management Team EOC Support Personnel Corporate Contacts External Resources Government agencies, Contractors, Medical Centers, etc.
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Section 8 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Corporate Headquarters Regulatory Agencies
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Appendices SUPPORTING INFORMATION Planning Process, Guide for IAP Required and Important Forms Emergency Equipment List, Inventories Glossary of Terms Qualifications for Emergency Organization
CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (Proposed) Questions, time permitting