Many people are worried that they will lose their homes as land is taken to make way for the railway. Some old, historic buildings and farm land would also be taken. There are lots of arguments and protests that the Government are having to think about, and not all MPs agree that the high speed link is a good idea. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
Why were the new locomotives known as While the arguments for and against HS2 go on, similar arguments went on when the very first trains appeared 200 years ago. Even in those days, many people were opposed to the railways. Some of their arguments are similar to the arguments heard today. Why were the new locomotives known as iron horses? SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
“That was a sight to have seen; but one I never care to see again! Many ordinary, poor people were frightened by the sight of railroads. One parish clerk, after seeing a locomotive for the first time said… Oh my dear! SAMPLE SLIDE “That was a sight to have seen; but one I never care to see again! How much longer are we going to have to put up with all these changes?” Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
This fish looks a bit too fresh! For the first time, passengers and goods could be transported quickly across the country. Fresh foods, such as fish and vegetables, could be transported to different markets and still arrive in good condition. Hull was a large fishing port in the 1800s. The coming of the railway meant that tons of fresh fish could be transported in ice for many miles so that it arrived fresh. This meant fish became cheaper and more and more people could enjoy a cheap meal of fish and chips for the first time. This fish looks a bit too fresh! SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
People began to realise that the railways offered lots of new opportunities and could benefit Victorian society. The Victorians began to accept the changes and enjoy what the railways could offer them. 1860 SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show If your back button doesn’t work……… to return to your last webpage CLICK HERE