Sin Defined and the Act of Sin Explained What is Sin and How Does it Happen? Scripture Reading: James 1:1-14
INTRODUCTION Walking by faith II Cor 5:7 Growing in grace II Pet 3:18 After initial salvation (by faith in the gospel of I Cor 15:3-4) the new believer’s purpose for the remainder of his/her earthly life will include: Walking by faith II Cor 5:7 Growing in grace II Pet 3:18
INTRODUCTION After initial salvation (by faith in the gospel of I Cor 15:3-4) the new believer’s purpose for the remainder of his/her earthly life will include: Walking in the good works planned by the Father for each believer Eph 2: 10 To walk as children of Light (I Jn 1:4) Eph 5:8; also cf Phil 2:12-15
REVIEW God has allowed us, as new believers, to be confronted by three ‘old friends’ which are now enemies – Our sin nature, Satan, and the world system These enemies attempt to interrupt our potential fellowship with God This interruption can lead to sin
WHAT IS SIN? It is a quality of unrighteousness I Jn 5:17 Things that are not right (unrighteous): Lust, temptation, trespass, sin, etc Also cf Rom 1:18, 29-31 Sin is one of many things that are unrighteous I Jn 3:4ff
WHAT IS SIN? Sin is always an action, not a thought. Exterior; outside the body. Matt 15:17-20 I Cor 6:18 An act of sin is lawlessness (acting as if God had no required standard)
HOW DOES SIN HAPPEN? James 1:14-15 Terms LUST Context determines whether lust is good or bad TEMPATION Consideration of the viability to act upon an evil lust A solicitation to a lawless action TRESSPASS A determination to perform a lawless act
HOW DOES SIN HAPPEN? James 1:14-15 The development of an act of sin LUST TEMPATION Opportunities to act upon a lust Drawing out Baiting, enticing Conception of lust
HOW DOES SIN HAPPEN? James 1:14-15 The development of an act of sin Conception of lust Trespass = determination to act Sin = a lawless action outside the body Finished sin (fully formed, habitual, not yielded to correction) results in physical death Rom 8:12-13, Heb 2:6
CONCLUSION God’s purpose for allowing our three enemies to attack NT believers: James 1:2-4 Spiritual growth and maturing