The Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019/22 Our Journey Towards World Class Professor Andy Hardy – Chief Executive Officer Nina Morgan – Chief Nursing Officer For 10 May 2019
Organisational Strategy 2018-21
Nursing and Midwifery 2018 - 2019 Avoidable Pressure Ulcers Workforce & Development Falls Pre-registration nursing placements increased by 26 to 194 Trainee Nursing Associates undertaking training increased by 23 to 30 Newly Qualified Nurses on the preceptorship programme increased by 57 to 209 Recruited 320 Band 5 Nurses and Midwives (10 above target) There has been a £135,092 reduction in agency spend per month for Enhanced Care between April 2018 and March 2019. The number of falls with moderate or above harm has reduced by 43% The Trust has seen a 28% reduction in all falls The direct costs for falls has reduced by £2.1 million between 2016/17 and 2018/19 The Trust has delivered a 30% reduction in avoidable pressure ulcers compared to a 15% reduction target. Safety Thermometer Harm Free Care Infection Control Research 20 funded applications from research grants by Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals over last 3 years to a value of over 1.5m Infection Rates Midwifery 35 CDiff 41 YTD target Annual Target 41 The Trust has achieved between 95% - 98% harm free care each month this year, sustaining higher than the 92% target. The Trust has seen an improvement in Midwifery staffing levels across the year with the recruitment of 51 midwives. 4 Clinical Preceptor Support Midwives have been appointed to support newly qualified midwives in the clinical area. 15 New Band 3 Maternity Support Workers have been appointed Ranking second out of 35 teaching hospitals for four infections: MRSA MSSA C.Diff E.Coli
12-month turnover rates for Nurses and Midwives
Journey to developing Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan Early Summer - Listening and engagement events on priorities for recruitment and retention of staff Review of frameworks and standards for excellence in nursing and midwifery Visits to other hospitals, presentations and conference Identification of developments to be considered Identification of strategic priorities linked to UHCW Organisational Strategy and the OD, Workforce and Innovation Strategy Co-production of strategic plan with Associate Directors of Nursing and Modern Matrons Engagement work to confirm priorities with key stakeholders and specifically with AHPs
Connecting the Dots