I'm Kate Christie from Time Stylers. www.themegallery.com
At Time Stylers we work with highly successful professional women and small business owners to help them manage their time a whole lot smarter. We've got a reputation for getting our clients back 30 hours a month to do the things that they love. Today I want to share with you three pieces of gold, three things that are really simple that you can implement today that will make your life so much better and give you hours and hours of time back into your day, so grab a pen and paper, you don't want to miss this stuff.
The women we work with at Time Stylers have three key problems: First - they don't have enough time; Second - they feel guilty about their work life choices; and Third - they feel that they can't give a hundred percent of themselves to anything that they do. If any of these sound familiar, then here are three quick tips where you can start getting some time back straight away.
Tip Number One: It's time to insource. Your partner and your kids are capable of doing plenty around the house. I actually did an experiment on this at my house, I took five basic chores such as tidying their rooms, putting their dirty washing in the laundry, putting up their wet towels, and so on, and I timed them. You'll be amazed when I tell you that over the course of 12 months, those five basic tips were taking up 17 days of my time. It's simple guys, it is time to insource.
Write down a list of all the things you want your kids to do for themselves - picking up their Ipads, putting away their loom bands, hanging up their wet towels, putting their dirty washing in the laundry. Write the list down and make sure everybody knows exactly what they have to do. The same goes for your partner, remind your husband that he has a wardrobe, not a floor-drobe.
Tip Number Two - Insource some more. Now that you've got your kids and your partner dealing with their own stuff around the house, identify the general chores, the family chores that everyone can chip in and do. At my place the general chores include vacuuming the family area, unloading the dishwasher, feeding the pets, and putting out the bins. I have a weekly roster which I rotate to avoid all the fights, and everybody knows exactly which chores they have to do each week, it's simple.
Tip Number Three: It's time to outsource. Identify all the tasks around your house that you can potentially pay someone to do for you, such as the cleaning or the shopping, hiring a babysitter so that you can have a date night. In domestic terms you might be a super-duper cleaner, but ask yourself, "Is this really the best use of my time?"
Why don't you hire a cleaner at $20 an hour to do the same task? If you earn $100 an hour and you clean your house for 3 hours = $300 clean! Why don't you hire a cleaner at $20 an hour to do the same task? And remember, that cleaner is the expert, they'll probably do a much better job than you, a much more thorough job than you, and they'll do it in a faster time than it would take you to do it yourself. And that time you've just saved, well! You can use it to grow your business even more, you can use it to take your career to the next step, or you can use it to have some really genuine quality time back with your family and your kids.
At Time Stylers we have a reputation for getting our clients back 30 hours a month in quality time to do what they love. If you'd like some more information about our 90-day Time Transformation Program, then please fill out your details on our home page, or feel free to give me a call on 0437-100-877 for a 15 minute free consult. I'm Kate Christie and I look forward to talking to you soon.
Thank You! www.themegallery.com