Croeso i'r Welcome to Year 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Croeso i'r Welcome to Year 1

Gweithgaredd / Activity Amserlen y dydd Amser / Time Gweithgaredd / Activity 8:55 Rhesi / Cofrestru  Line-up / Register 9:00 Mathemateg Mathematics 10:05 Amser Gwasanaeth / Amser Ni Assembly/ R-Time 10:20 Amser Chwarae (ffrwyth)  Play time (fruit) 10:40 Iaith (llaeth) Language  (milk) 12:00 Amser Cinio Lunch time 1:15 Cyd-destun dysgu Learning Context  2:20 Amser Chwarae Play time 2:30 Learning Context 3:30 Amser mynd adref Home time Timetable

CLIC – Rhifau Rhagorol CLIC – Big Maths C – Counting L – Learn its I – It’s nothing new C - Calculation 20 munud ar ddechrau pob wers mathemateg. Dydd Gwener bydd profion (Beat That) 90 eiliad yn digwydd er mwyn tracio cynnydd y disgyblion/ 20 minute session at the start of every maths lesson. Every Friday they will have a 90 second (Beat That) test to track their progress. CLIC – Big Maths

Gwasanaethau Assemblies Dydd / Day Gwasanaeth / Assembly Llun / Monday Ysgol Gyfan / Whole School Mawrth / Tuesday Mercher / Wednesday Amser Ni / R Time Iau / Thursday Gwasanaeth Cyfnod Sylfaen / Foundation Phase Assembly  Gwener / Friday Dathlu Dysgu  Assemblies

Darllen Reading Pwysig! Pawb yn newid llyfrau unwaith yr wythnos/ Everyone will change their books once a week Pwysig! Mae hi’n holl bwysig bod pob plentyn yn darllen adref pob nos / It is important that every child reads at home every night. Dewch â’r llyfrau i’r ysgol bob dydd / Please bring the books to school everyday Reading

Iaith Language Sesiwn / Session Gweithgaredd / Activities 1 Tric a Chlic / Sgiliau Darllen 2 3 Sgil / Skill 4  Gwener / Friday Ysgrifennu estynedig / Extended writing Ysgrifennu estenedig Dydd Gwener / Friday Extended Writing Ysgrifennu tawel. unigol / Quiet, individual writing Language

Cyd-destunau Dysgu Learning Context Albwm y Teulu Family Album 2. Archfarchnad Superstore 3. Drychwch Tir Land Ahoy 4. Carnifal Carnival 5. Gwingo ac Ymlusgo Wriggle and Crawl 6. Cerddorfa Orchestra Learning Context

Gadael dillad yn yr ysgol / Clothes to be left in school Addysg Gorfforol Dydd Mawrth Dydd Llun Gadael dillad yn yr ysgol / Clothes to be left in school  Tuesday Monday Physical Education

Gwaith Cartref Home Work Rhoddir fwydlen gwaith cartref ar ddechrau hanner tymor sydd yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ar ddwy lefel. Cewch gwblhau’r tasgau mewn unrhyw drefn. Disgwylir i bob tasg cael ei gwblhau erbyn diwedd yr hanner tymor. A homework menu will be given at the start of half term containing a variety activities on two levels. You can complete the activities in any order. Each activity is expected to be completed by the end of half term. Home Work

Ysgrifennu mewn pensil Llyfrau Gwaith Ysgrifennu mewn pensil Taclusrwydd! Writing with a pencil Neatness! Balchder! Pride! Work Books

Asesu Assessment

Polisi Parch a Pherthynas Respect and Relationship Policy Cwrteisi! Parch! Courtesy! Respect! Hapusrwydd! Happiness! Amser Aur! Bydd ymddygiad positif yn cael ei gymeradwyo. Positive behaviour will be rewarded with arrows on the target and golden time. Respect and Relationship Policy

Cymreictod a Siarter Iaith Welsh and Siarter Iaith Cymraeg yw iaith yr ysgol a disgwylir i’r disgyblion gyfathrebu yn Gymraeg, yn yr ysgol a thu hwnt, a hynny gyda balchder.  Rydym yn dathlu Cymreictod yn gyson gyda band yr wythnos – gallwch ddilyn hyn ar Trydar. The language of the school is Welsh and we expect all the children to socialise proudly, in and out of school, through the medium of Welsh.  We celebrate the Welsh culture daily and one of our main activities is listening to our chosen Welsh band of the week.  Remember to follow this on Twitter. Welsh and Siarter Iaith

Sut gallwch chi helpu? How you can help? Darllen Amser gwely  Reading Bed time  Gêmau a phroblemau mathemategol Maths games and problems Cefnogi Gwaith Cartref Trafod y thema Discuss the theme Support Homework

Diolch yn fawr! Thank You!