CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Billions of 2005 Dollars Real Gross Domestic Product Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The total market value of goods and services produced domestically during a given period. Potential GDP: The level of real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product that corresponds to a high level of resource (labor and capital) use.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Percent Interest Rates Interest rates on corporate bonds are computed by Moodys Investors Service; the bonds have remaining maturities of at least 20 years. The Aaa rating denotes the highest investment grade of corporate securities; the Baa rating denotes the lowest investment grade.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Issuance of Asset-Backed Securities Trillions of Dollars Asset-Backed Security: A financial security whose payments are derived solely from the cash flows of an underlying asset, such as a pool of student loans. Asset-backed securities shown here do not include those backed by mortgages on commercial real estate or low-risk mortgages on residential properties.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Vacant Housing Units Percentage of Total Units Housing units comprise rental and owner-occupied dwellings.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Net Business Fixed Investment Percentage of Gross Domestic Product Net Business Fixed Investment: Spending by businesses on nonresidential structures, equipment, and software, less depreciation. Data are annual and are plotted through 2009.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Inventories Ratio to Sales Inventories: Stocks of goods held by businesses for further processing or for sale. Data are the ratio of total inventories to total sales of manufacturers, retailers, and merchant wholesalers.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Household Net Worth Ratio to Disposable Personal Income Household Net Worth: The assets of households minus their liabilities.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Trade-Weighted Exchange Value of the U.S. Dollar Index, March 1973 = 100 The index is a weighted average of the foreign exchange values of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of a large group of major U.S. trading partners, adjusted for inflation. The index weights, which change over time, are derived from U.S. export shares and from U.S. and foreign import shares.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Unemployed Workers per Job Opening Number
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Long-Term Unemployment Percent The long-term unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the labor force who have been unemployed for longer than 26 weeks.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Inflation Percentage Change in Prices from Previous Year Core Inflation: A measure of the rate of inflation that excludes changes in the prices of food and energy. Overall Inflation: A measure based on the price index for personal consumption expenditures.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Labor Income Percentage of Gross Domestic Income