Welcome to Science (3/29) Please have a seat and take out the following: Your Coexisting with Carnivores Adult Interview (those turned in already will be passed back) Today’s Objective: Start to take a look at common experiences with carnivores in Sammamish and try to find common trends/problems and continue working on the Fossilized Footprints W.S. if there is time. Due Dates: Fossilized Footprints W.S. Due Thurs. March 30th
Order of Activities: Complete and turn in your Coexisting With Carnivores Questionnaire to Mr. Abe up front. Finish your Figuring Out Fossils W.S. and turn it into the homework tent. Use the Observe to Learn: Animal Behavior App on your device or come up for a piece of scrap paper and a timer and practice collecting data for a 5 minute ethogram. Engage in evolution related BrainPOP videos or activities from our website (onezoom.org – tree of life)
Helpful Data for Fossilized Footprints Questions: