Moving Literacy Forward with 2017 English Standards of Learning


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Presentation transcript:

Moving Literacy Forward with 2017 English Standards of Learning 2018 Fall SOL Institutes



2017-2018 Reading SOL Pass Rates Test 2015-2016 Pass Rate 2016-2017 Pass Rate 2017-2018 Pass Rate Grade 3 English Reading 76 75 72 Grade 4 English Reading 77 79 Grade 5 English Reading 81 80 Grade 6 English Reading 78 Grade 7 English Reading 82 Grade 8 English Reading End of Course English Reading 89 87

2017-2018 Writing SOL Pass Rates Test 2015-2016 Pass Rate 2016-2017 Pass Rate 2017-2018 Pass Rate Grade 8 Writing 71 73 End of Course Writing 83 84

Profile of a Virginia Graduate (1 of 2)

Profile of a Virginia Graduate (2 of 2) Describes knowledge, skills, competencies, and experiences students should attain during K-12 education to make them “life-ready.” English Standards were the first to be developed under the Profile.

The 5 C’s

Summary of Changes in the 2017 English Standards of Learning Alignment with the 5 Cs: Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Citizenship Alignment to the applicable VA Workplace Readiness Skills Reorganization of K-3 to align with 4-12 Expansion of technical reading & writing in grades 9-12

Summary of Changes in the 2017 English Standards of Learning (1 of 5) Introduction of reflective writing in grades 6-12 Expansion of skills for collaboration, consensus-building, team-building, and working toward common goals Creation of standards in reading requiring comparing/contrasting details in literary and informational nonfiction texts Expansion of requirements for nonfiction/informational/technical reading in grades 4-12

Summary of Changes in the 2017 English Standards of Learning (2 of 5) Renamed Communication strand now Communication & Multimodal Literacies. Reflects the integration of multiple modes of communication and expression, digital citizenship, and current best practices Includes and encourage options such as podcasts, presentations with visuals and media, blogs, etc.

Summary of Changes in the 2017 English Standards of Learning (3 of 5) Multimodal Strategic use of two or more codependent modes of communication Both modes are essential to convey the intended message. For example: graphics, written language, moving images, music, audio, presentation technologies, movement, etc.

Summary of Changes in the 2017 English Standards of Learning (4 of 5) Emphasis on ethical use of the Internet when gathering & using information Introduction of a focus on a mode of writing at each grade level: 6th- narrative & reflective 7th & 8th – expository & persuasive 9th & 10th – persuasive & analytical 11th & 12th – persuasive & argumentative

Summary of Changes in the 2017 English Standards of Learning (5 of 5) The strands of the 2017 English Standards: Communication & Multimodal Literacies Reading Writing Research The goals are to teach students to read, write, research and communicate. The strands are developed separately, but expected to be seamlessly integrated in the classroom. Through the rigorous application of the English Standards of Learning, students become critical thinkers, effective contributors, and global citizens.

2017 English Curriculum Framework Now Posted

Reviewing Changes The 2017 English Standards of Learning are expanded by the Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes (EKSP) in the Curriculum Framework This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, nor one that limits what is taught in the classroom The EKSP is not a one-to-one match of the standards If the standard is self-explanatory, there will be no additional explanation

English Skills Spiral The concepts, skills, and content in English Language Arts spiral; teachers should note each grade level builds skills that carry to the following grades. Each grade level within the English Curriculum Framework builds from kindergarten through grade 12, creating a comprehensive instructional tool, which prepares students for success in future postsecondary education and the workplace. Teachers should review the Curriculum Framework for the scope of learning in each of the strands in previous grades and in the grades to follow.

Setting Example

2017 Curriculum Framework (1 of 3) Overview of strand on Strand Introduction page Teacher Notes appear on Introduction page Suggested Instructional Strategies and Best Practices are on Teacher Notes page First column Understanding the Standard has been deleted and that information moved to introduction page CF Columns: Essential Understandings & Essential Skills, Knowledge, and Processes

2017 Curriculum Framework (2 of 3)

2017 Curriculum Framework (3 of 3)

2017 SOL Progression Charts Reading

2017 SOL Crosswalk

VDOE English Page

2017 English SOL Implementation Timeline (1 of 2)

2017 English SOL Implementation Timeline (2 of 2)

How do we effectively integrate strands in the English classroom?

Successful English Instruction Integrate the strands Vocabulary Development Specific vocabulary from authentic text Content vocabulary from math, science, and social studies Reading Both fiction & nonfiction text Text-rich environment with variety of text and media Student choice whenever possible Writing Writing as a process for a variety of authentic purposes Regular writing conferences Use of Writing Portfolios Research Ongoing and embedded in the learning process (when applicable) Communication/Multimodal Literacies

Successful English Instruction Best Practices Paired texts Use of text-dependent questions Use of inference questions Use of text-based vocabulary Writing components in every lesson Frequent research components


Of Note: website accessibility Changing website(s) for ADA accessibility If 2 versions of a doc are posted, ADA version is listed first followed by ‘original word version’ No more PDF docs Original format of previous SOL Institute PPTs and handouts will change and may not be included on updated page Save files now English website updated each quarter

This afternoon- Performance Assessments Testing and the 2017 English Standards of Learning Book Distribution Evaluation


VDOE Disclaimer Reference within this presentation to any specific commercial or non-commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Department of Education.

Contact Information Jill Nogueras English Coordinator Denise Fehrenbach English Specialist Assessment Office Virginia Department of Education