Florida Healthy Kids Corporation & The Florida College System Present: Class Support Materials for Florida KidCare Thank you for being a Florida KidCare champion! This deck is a joint effort between the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation (FHKC), a not-for-profit organization responsible for marketing the Florida KidCare program, and The Florida College System (FCS) and is designed for you to easily present about Florida KidCare to your students. As students move forward with continued education in the health care field, it is important for students to be aware of how Florida KidCare may be able to benefit the children and families they treat. Approximately 257,000 children in the state of Florida do not have the health and dental insurance they need. 147,000 of them are eligible for completely free or low-cost Florida KidCare insurance. More than 2.4 million kids rely on Florida KidCare for the head to toe coverage they need to put them on the path to a healthy and successful life. Most enrolled families pay nothing at all, and many families pay as little as $15 or $20 a month for all children in the household. FHKC has made it easy for you to share this information so we can work together to increase the number of insured children in Florida and help bring peace of mind to parents across the state. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Rebecca Matthews, Chief Executive Officer Florida Healthy Kids Corporation A Florida KidCare Partner
WHAT IS FLORIDA KIDCARE? Florida KidCare is the umbrella brand for the four government-sponsored health insurance programs serving Florida children. The mission of Florida KidCare is to increase the number of insured children in Florida by offering completely free or low-cost quality health and dental insurance for children from birth through the end of age 18. The four programs within the Florida KidCare umbrella are included in the chart below. Florida KidCare is the umbrella brand for the four government-sponsored health insurance programs serving Florida children - Medicaid for children, MediKids, Florida Healthy Kids, and the Children’s Medical Services Managed Care Plan. Three state agency partners round out the shared obligations of the statewide Florida KidCare program along with the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, who administers the Florida Healthy Kids Program. These three state agency partners include: Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) Administers Medicaid and the MediKids programs, including procurement and management of the health and dental plan contracts; Serves as the primary Florida contact with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency that administers Medicaid and CHIP; Receives and distributes federal funds for CHIP; Contracts with the Corporation to provide CHIP administration and Florida KidCare marketing; and, Develops and maintains the CHIP Florida State Plan. Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) Performs Medicaid eligibility determination and screening for CHIP; and, Administers the Behavioral Health Network in conjunction with the Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services. Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services (DOH) Administers the Children’s Medical Services Managed Care Plan for children with special medical conditions.
ABOUT FLORIDA KIDCARE COST COVERAGE Most families pay nothing at all for coverage, and many families pay as little as 15 or $20 a month. Families who are not eligible for subsidized coverage may purchase Florida KidCare at the full-pay monthly premium. To qualify for Florida KidCare coverage, a child must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully-residing immigrant and meet all other eligibility requirements. Families can use the Eligibility Calculator to help estimate what a monthly premium payment might be for Florida KidCare coverage. COVERAGE With free year-round enrollment, the time to apply for Florida KidCare is always now. It’s easy for parents – fill out one application online, in person or over the phone and Florida KidCare will match you with the right option based on your children’s ages, household size and family income. Florida KidCare benefits include, but are not limited to:
5 EASY THINGS TO DO! BE A KIDCARE CHAMPION PROMOTE PEER-TO-PEER IDENTIFY FAMILIES GET SOCIAL Know the basics of the program and be prepared to talk organically with your patients and families about the benefits. Increase awareness of Florida KidCare among your network of patients, coworkers and families. Promote the free application and year-round enrollment via floridakidcare.org. Support educating future health care professionals about Florida KidCare so they can inform future patients. Throughout your days, help identify the families that don’t currently have health and dental insurance for their children and share Florida KidCare materials and resources with them. Promote through your social media channels. Follow @FLKidCare on Twitter/Facebook/ Instagram to learn more and easily share content.
For local uninsured and enrollment data, visit healthykids.org/data. RESOURCES Visit floridakidcare.org to download the following resources and tools to share with your patients, peers and families. Information Card Videos Brochure Order hard copies of materials by emailing outreach@healthykids.org so you can hand deliver these resources in your network. For local uninsured and enrollment data, visit healthykids.org/data. If a family would rather apply for Florida KidCare in person, they may locate a local application assister by entering their zip code here: find local help. For more information on how to apply for Florida Kidcare, visit floridakidcare.org or call 1-888-540- KIDS (5437).