Strategic Co-ordination Group 07 - 08 May 2009 Progress Report on Chemical Monitoring Activity Mario Carere, Madalina David, Bernd Gawlik National Institute of Health-Italy, DG ENV, JRC-IES
CONTENT CMA-1: Exchange of best practices CMA-2: Quality assurance and control CMA-3: Standardisation Next steps
CMA-1: Exchange of best practices Guidance development Guidance on surface water chemical monitoring (Guidance no.19) was published on the Europa website at the end of February Guidance on Sediment & Biota Monitoring DG on Sediment&Biota Monitoring meeting: end of January 2009 structure of the guidance distribution of the responsibilities timetable
CMA-1: Exchange of best practices Timetable of Guidance on Sediment&Biota monitoring End of April 2009: preliminary draft guidance on sediment and biota was submitted to CMA members 5-6 May 2009: discussion at the CMA Plenary Meeting (Ghent, Belgium) written comments: 5 June 2009 June-September 2009: case studies collection and preparation of the first draft to be discussed by the DG early October 2009: first draft of the guidance will be submitted to CMA and WG E End November 2009: final draft to be agreed at CMA Plenary Meeting (Rome, Italy)
CMA-2: Quality assurance and control Commission proposal: QA/QC Directive Beginning of 2009: COM prepared an amended draft of the directive (Article 7(1) – the part referring to the correlation table was deleted) End of January 2009: COM launched the written procedure to consult the WFD Committee on the amended version of the QA/QC Directive 10 February 2009: favorable opinion on the amended version 3 March 2009: COM submitted the amended draft of the QA/QC, for scrutiny, to the EP and the Council 3 June 2009: COM will adopt the directive if EP or Council will not oppose till then
CMA-2: Quality assurance and control The final report and more info on the results of EAQC-WISE can be found here: End of January 2009: final blue print of EAQC-WISE Project ( ) Next step: to develop a guidance on a sustainable quality assurance and quality control system for water, sediment and biota at EU level
CMA-2: Quality assurance and control Prepare a guidance document for the implementation of QA/QC Directive Setting up a drafting group: send nominations with indication of topics deadline: 5 June 2009 First proposal for content: September 2009 First outline of guidance document: November CMA meeting First draft of the guidance: early 2010
CMA-3: Standardisation Mandate to CEN (5 chemical parameters/groups, 3 biological parameters, 2 supporting/horizontal packages: co-ordination of work and inter-lab trials for validation of chemical methods) 14 Nov 2008: Kick-off-meeting with all potential consortium partners 18 Dec 2008: Agreement on distribution of work 16 Jan 2009: final proposals 13 Feb 2009: Circulation of the first full draft proposal for comments 07 April 2009: Agreement on the final technical proposals and budget 20 April 2009: Overall agreement for the “Framework Partnership Agreement 2009 (FPA 2009) signed by DG ENTR and CEN CMC
CMA-3: Standardisation Mandate to CEN (5 chemical parameters/groups, 3 biological parameters, 2 supporting/horizontal packages: co-ordination of work and inter-lab trials for validation of chemical methods) Future plans: 10 May 2009: submission of the proposals to DG ENTR via CEN June 2009: end of negotiation period with DG ENTR July 2009: contracts between DIN (CEN TC 230 secretariat) and project partners August/September 2009: Kick-off-meeting
Next meeting November 2009, Rome (Italy): Plenary CMA meeting