WHAT DO YOU NEED TO CREDIT A SOURCE? Creating citations ELA 7 & 8 Created by Mrs. Moelbert, 2015
Books TAPDC Title Author Publisher Date City
Books Author (last name, first name). Title. City, State: Publisher, date. Print. Example: Green, Tim. Football Hero. New York, NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2008. Print.
Books Tools that create the citations for you What do you need? www.easybib.com www.bibme.org www.citationmachine.net What do you need? ISBN number
Can you see the ISBN number? Books What is an ISBN number? It’s also on the back of the title page Can you see the ISBN number?
Websites WAAPED Website Title Article Title Authors Publisher Electronically Published Date Accessed
Websites Author (last name, first name). “Article Title.” Website Title. Publisher, Electronically published. Web. Date accessed. URL. Example: Green, Tim. "News & Awards." Tim Green. Tim Green Books, 2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2015. <http://timgreenbooks.com/news/>.
Websites Tools that create the citations for you What do you need? www.easybib.com www.bibme.org www.citationmachine.net What do you need? URL
Websites Can you see the URL? What is a URL? web address
Online Database Articles ATDPED Author Title Database Publisher Electronically Published Date Accessed
Online Database Articles Author (last name, first name). “Article Title.” Database. Publisher, Electronically published. Web. Date accessed. Example: Milbert, Neil. "Football." World Book Student. World Book, 2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.
Online Database Articles The Online Databases PROVIDE the citation! Can you see the citation?
Put it all together... Works Cited Green, Tim. Football Hero. New York, NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2008. Print. Green, Tim. "News & Awards." Tim Green. Tim Green Books, 2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2015. <http://timgreenbooks.com/news/>. Milbert, Neil. "Football." World Book Student. World Book, 2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.
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