Reflexive Verbs & Pronouns Español 1 Sra. Lear
To describe people doing things for themselves, use reflexive verbs. Examples of reflexive actions are brushing one’s teeth or combing one’s hair.
A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are referring to the same person. I wash myself. subject: I verb: wash object: myself Since the subject and object are the same, the verb is reflexive. I wash the car. subject: I verb: wash object: car Since the subject and object are different, the verb is not reflexive.
Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb.
Reflexive verbs take a special pronoun called a reflexive pronoun. me Reflexive verbs take a special pronoun called a reflexive pronoun. me nos te os se se
ar verb endings: er verb endings: ir verb endings: -o -amos -as áis -a -an -o -emos -es éis -e -en ir verb endings: -o -imos -es ís -e -en
Conjuating Reflexive Verbs Step 1: Remove the ending –se. Step 2: Use the appropriate reflexive pronoun Step 3: Conjugate the verb in the present tense. me lavo nos lavamos te lavas os laváis se lava se lavan lavarse- to wash oneself
When you use the infinitive form of a reflexive verb after a conjugated verb, be sure to use the correct reflexive pronoun. You can attach your reflexive pronoun to the infinitive. Quiero levantarme temprano. Me quiero levantar temprano. Or you can also put the reflexive pronoun in front of the conjugated verb.
Some verbs have different meanings when used reflexively. dormir(ue)- to sleep dormirse- to fall asleep ir- to go irse- to leave, to go away poner- to put ponerse- to put on (clothes)
Choose the appropriate Reflexive pronoun You take a bath. Tu ____bañas. María washes her hair. María _____lava el pelo. They sit down. Ellos______sientan. We brush our teeth. Nosotros _____ cepillamos los dientes. te se se nos
Write the correct form of the verb Maria washes her hair. (lavarse) María se______el pelo. We take a bath. (bañarse) Nos___________ . They brush their teeth. (cepillarse) Ellos se_________ los dientes. lava bañamos cepillan
acostarse (o ue) =to lie down me acuesto nos acostamos te acuestas os acostáis se acuesta se acuestan
bañarse =to take a bath me baño nos bañamos te bañas os bañáis se baña se bañan
despertarse (ie) =to wake up me despierto nos despertamos te despiertas os despertáis se despierta se despiertan
dormirse (ue) =to go to sleep me duermo nos dormimos te duermes os dormís se duerme se duermen