Make it a Great Day! Thursday, January 31st, 2019 *Good Things* Opening Warm-up: What is the cause of hunger around the world? Work Session: Make-ups & Recoveries for Unit 1 – The Basics of Geography Test? Partner Lesson 8 – Migration to the United States of America: The Impact on People & Places Unit 2 – Canada & The United States of America Study Guide Due to school being canceled, the notebook check for Unit 2 will be rolled into the notebook check over Unit 3. It will be worth two grades. Essential Question(s): How does migration affect the lives of people and the character of places? What do I know about the significant physical and human geography of Canada & The U.S.? SSWG 1ah 2ab 4cd 6acd Closing Cool-down: On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most, how prepared do you feel for the test tomorrow over Unit 2 – Canada & The U.S.? What can you do to improve your score? Be specific and realistic. Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Textbook – pgs. 118-129