Watch the EDpuzzle on SS 3.4 and Take notes on p. 7 STRETCHING AND SHRINKING UNIT (SS) SS 3.3 Scale Factors and Similar Shapes Learning Target: I can use scale factors to make scale drawings. Homework: Day 2 SS 3.3: Watch the EDpuzzle on SS 3.4 and Take notes on p. 7 Warm-up: B. A.
As a table group work on Inv. 3.3 p. 5-6:
C 4 x 8
HINT: Pay close attention to the direction of the shapes.
Complete the Rep-tile Graphic Organizer:
Did I hit my Teaching Target? I can use scale factors to make scale drawings. HW: 1) Complete notes-Inv. 3-4 pg. 7: SS 3.4 Zaption video 2) Math XL – 30 mins this week