Kaluza-Klein states and the geography of extra dimensions


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Presentation transcript:

Kaluza-Klein states and the geography of extra dimensions Based on: Davoudiasl, Hewett, Lillie, Rizzo hep-ph/0312193 Lillie hep-ph/0505074 Lillie, Randall, Wang In progress

Outline Introduction RS model building Gluon KK states Dijet resonances Other KK states Future work

Motivation and formalism RS1 Solution to the Hierarchy problem Randall and Sundrum hep-ph/9905221 IR UV Spacetime is , compactified on Conformal coordinates Masses are scaled by Warping generates EW scale at the IR brane: (Parameters are natural) Goldberger and Wise hep-ph/9907447

Where to put the SM? Original RS model: SM on TeV brane Problems with 4-fermion operators: Fermions on UV brane: But EWSB on TeV brane, so fermions must be bulk fields (Gauge fields must also then live in bulk) Can achieve gauge coupling unification Agashe, Delgado, and Sundrum hep-ph/0212028 Agashe, and Servant hep-ph/0411254

Flavor problem This is a good thing 5D fermions are achiral, so we can write 5D mass Equations of motion have a zero mode KK Coupling to EWSB (Higgs) is then d s Suppress FCNC for first two generations Grossman and Neubert hep-ph/9912408 Gherghetta, Pomarol hep-ph/0003129 UV IR

Formalism – gluon resonances Start by looking at a single resonance, mass m: Parameterize the couplings by: Note that the vertex is zero by orthogonality See also: Ghavri, McMullen, Nandi hep-ph/0602014

Typical values Flat extra dimension Randall-Sundrum gluons fermions

Single resonance in dijets Parton level, exact With gaussian detector smearinig 10 fb-1 M = 3 TeV

B-jets 1 b-tag Parton-level 2 b-tags

Need to look at the tt final state Comparing flat to RS Typical RS values: Dijets Need to look at the tt final state

Drell-Yan Different widths to account for fermion location Generically will be lighter than studied here

Graviton KK excitations NOT visible Light fermions near Planck brane, so graviton couplings highly suppressed Gauge bosons have volume suppression

Future work Things to include: Statistical analysis More dimensions (n=2,3) tt final state (possibly in dijets) PDF errors Statistical analysis Reach and exclusion (Tevatron/LHC) Sensitivity to m, n, λ, λb, λt

KK gluon production rates are large Conclusions Work in progress KK gluon production rates are large Properties can be used to extract information Most useful are bb and tt final states Need a channel to find graviton resonances in RS