Plots of lacunarity v. inhomogeneity in spatial positioning of sandbody centroids (cf. Plots of lacunarity v. inhomogeneity in spatial positioning of sandbody centroids (cf. Fig. 8c) in 10 stochastic model realizations of each studied exposure ‘window’ (e.g. Fig. 12): (a) ‘window’ A1; (b) ‘window’ C1; (c) ‘window’ C2; (d) ‘window’ C3; and (e) ‘window’ F4. Values of NTG ratio, and sandbody dimensions, geometry and orientation used in each model are summarized in Table 2. Pseudo-well conditioning data are shown in Figures 4 & 6. Each model realization is denoted by a grey bar showing the spatial extent of data, with superimposed coloured bars showing the length scales of sandbody-centroid clustering or regular spacing. Length scales not represented by the coloured portions of the grey–red and grey–blue bars correspond to the random spacing of sandbody centroids. Results are shown for model realizations containing sandbody populations with mean orientations of N090º (grey–red bars) and N150º (grey–blue bars), and the exposure ‘windows’ are shown for comparison (grey–black bars). Lacunarity values for the model cross-sections bracket those of the outcrop ‘windows’, but patterns of sandbody-centroid distribution observed in the ‘windows’ are only sporadically reproduced in model cross-sections. Carlos A. Villamizar et al. Petroleum Geoscience 2015;21:249-270 © 2015 The Author(s)