Craig Munyon and Debbie Barbee EMIS Updates Craig Munyon and Debbie Barbee
Agenda EMIS Updates for year-end SPS EMIS Updates General Updates DN Attribute Reporting Assessment Updates Discipline Reporting SPS EMIS Updates The first set of updates we will talk about are general updates, student codes, etc. that are needed for the final collection window reporting. We’ll also talk about some changes to the DN Attribute record reporting, some assessment updates, Discipline reporting and the HB410 FT record reporting and some changes to allow for more complete event reporting.
EMIS Updates Changes that have been implemented New How Received & Sent to Codes New How Received code ‘D’ – Court-placed non-foster student New How Received code ‘G’ – Court-placed foster student who open enrolls into a third LEA New How Received code ‘J’ – Non-foster student placed under program of the county children and family services New Sent to code ‘CO’ - Court placed out of state, LEA is responsible for paying cost of education EMIS situations added to cover the new codes (see EMIS situation document for details) The EMIS situations for these codes have been available for a little while now, however, we’ve recently received some clarifications on situations 147 and 611 and have changed the labels a bit. It doesn’t affect the coding for the situation, just a label change.
EMIS Updates Additional Student codes added Military Status Code for Reserves (C – Reserves) Military Transfer Students – Alternative count elements on the FN Graduate Tab The additional code for Military Status code and Military Compact Graduation Alternative have been added and are already in production.
EMIS Updates New Preschool Poverty Level (FD) J Court-ordered protective custody New Alternative/Retention code for iReady (FN) N Student didn’t meet the reading requirement in the TGRG but was not retained due to adequate performance on the TGRG alternative assessment iReady, before the start of the next school year These codes were added last month and are already available for use in the dropdowns now.
EMIS Updates New Program of Concentration (FN) N4 Cybersecurity The new Program of Concentration code N$ - for Cyber Security is already available for you to use to update your students to the correct program of Concentration for reporting.
EMIS updates – Program Codes New Program Codes – Work Based Learning Limited English Proficiency Program Codes Career Tech – CTSO Leadership, Intern, Apprentice Additional program codes for FY20 Grad Pathway & update names of FY18 grad pathways for FY19 The new program codes will be available in the 18.9 release. All codes should be documented now on ODE’s website, either under the Vendor Change calls or the GQ chapter. One note to mention, the FY20 Graduation pathways program codes that were added may be reported in FY19 if a student will graduate in FY20 under an additional pathway and has already met the requirements
DN Attribute Updates New Positive Behavior Implementation Status (PBIS) Report Stage of Implementation A - Work on implementing PBIS has not yet begun B - Exploration and Adoption C - Installation – Creating the PBIS Team D - Initial Implementation - Rolling out and implementing PBIS E – Full Implementation F – Innovation and Sustainability Number of Months the building has been in the reported stage of PBIS Implementation The new PBIS Attribute collection area has been added to the DN Building Attributes records in the 18.9 release. This will be required to be reported by all districts
DN Attribute Updates SIG Extended Group Elements removed from the Building DN record Once 18.9 is installed at your ITC, these attributes will no longer be in the DN records transfer file The SIG Extended Group elements have been removed from the DN records as of the 18.9 release. If the attributes have already been reported for the year, ODE will ignore them.
Assessment Updates
EMIS Updates - Assessment New Industry Credential Assessment Area Codes & Points These codes will be available in the 18.9 release due out in May. In addition to the Assessment Maintenance page for Industry Credentials, the assessment records and their corresponding point values will display on Graduation Points when a student has earned points towards a credential area.
EMIS Updates - Assessments WorkKeys Assessment Imports 2 import options Use ACT WorkKeys Data Export Report, or Use WorkKeys Import Template (manually completed) We’ve added two options for importing the WorkKeys data. On the Assessment Imports page, you will see two options for importing, from a vendor file, which is actually from a data export report available to districts that do the testing, and the option to Import from a template, which you will have to fill in the results on the template and then Import them.
EMIS Updates - Assessments WorkKeys Data Export Report Data Export Report Available on the Validus platform that schools use to test their students Run the Data Export Report and save the file as a CSV file ACT WorkKeys Online Reports Portal User Guide The option to import WorkKeys uses the Data Export Report, which is available on the Validus platform that schools use to test their students. On the ACT.Org website, there is a manual called the ACT WorkKeys Online Reports Portal user’s guide that provides guidance on downloading the correct report and create the file to use for the Vendor File Import. In this file, the column ‘Examinee ID’ should contain the student’s SSID. You will use the import option to Import WorkKeys from a vendor file to import the results.
EMIS Updates - Assessments WorkKeys – Template Option Look for Template under ‘Quick Reference - Student’ section of documentation To complete the template, you will need info for the following fields: DistrictIRN StateStudentId LastName FirstName Middle Name (optional) Grade Level Test Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Applied Math Score Graphic Literacy Score Workplace Documents Score For the WorkKeys template option, look for the Template in Help under the Quick Reference – Student section of documentation. The template is an excel spreadsheet. Fill in the template with the students you wish to Import. Save the file as a .CSV file and use the WorkKeys Template option to import the results.
EMIS Updates - Assessment DPR Growth Assessments (Formerly DORP/NWEA Map) DORP Assessments renamed to DPR (maintenance and import) Reported by Community Schools for Dropout Recovery Programs Test date range was updated to allow any dates for the school year The DORP assessment pages have all been renamed to the DRP Growth Assessment. Also the test date range was updated to allow any month in the school year as the test date.
EMIS Updates – Assessment New ‘Score Not Reported’ reason ‘5 – Student assessed but results not available from assessment vendor by close of reporting window’ Added for assessments that are dependent on results being sent from a vendor Added the ability to specify a different ‘score not reported’ for assessments that need the new value reported The new value was added to the assessment maintenance page. Some of the assessments already had the ability to specify a different value, some did not so the additional ‘Score Not reported’ field was added to those pages. The value will default to ‘* - Not Applicable, student took the test’ but can be changed if needed. See the FA chapter for those assessments where ‘5’ is valid.
EMIS Updates – ELPA21 Assessment New Import and Assessment Maintenance for ELPA21 Screener Not reported to EMIS, for district use only A new import and maintenance page were added for the ELPA21 Screener results. While they are not part of EMIS reporting, the vendor results are returned in ODE’s download file format in the same manner as other OST assessments so you can import them into SI for the district to use as desired.
HB410/FT Record Reporting
EMIS Updates – HB410 & FT Events New Link at the top of the page to take you to External Student Absences for students that have transferred in from other districts or that attend the JVS so you can see their attendance transferred in. The Event List under the HB410 Event Maintenance section provides a history of all the FT records being reported for the student in the current school year. The User Added Events page allows you to add additional records for combined attendance when the student attends multiple districts simultaneously (home school & JVS, students transferred in mid year with attendance from their prior district that now causes them to hit a threshold that isn’t calculated based on current district only attendance). Manually added records are included in the FT Transfer File
EMIS Updates – HB410 Attendance Additional Updates JVS Satellite Flag added to the FS record on Edit Profile for students with a JVS Satellite EMIS Situation HB410 calculations updated to calculate attendance at 100% for the time they are attending a satellite (Home district only) EMIS attendance still calculated using the FS record FTE for time spent in the home district
EMIS Updates – HB410 Attendance New HB410 District Trust Allows both the JVS and Home district to view HB410 Attendance details Must be a district trust set up to view other entity attendance A link will display at the top of the page to view the trusted district’ data If a student attends more than two districts in the school year, a district dropdown of trusted districts will appear for selection
EMIS Updates – HB410 Attendance This is the Trusted District View Choose the district you wish to view. Only districts where the student is enrolled in the current year will be available. A trust must exist between both districts. The student’s name and State Student ID will display. SSID is used for matching so if the name shows differently, then there is a problem with SSID assignments between the districts. The last attendance calculation date from the trusted district so that you can tell how current their data is The details block from the trusted district including any totals to date and any thresholds hit as well as intervention team actions such as whether a team has been created, written notification has been sent, etc. The left side of the pate will display the information from the Intervention plan page for the district in context. This view allows you to do a comparison and make a determination of any manual records need to be added. The last attendance calculation date for district in context has been moved to the upper left side of the page.
Discipline Reporting Updates
EMIS Updates – Discipline Discipline Reporting Victim Reporting Current Victim Code table will be updated to include EMIS Victim Codes Existing Victim Codes will be updated to include EMIS Victim Code value Victim Records on existing incidents may need updated manually GD Record Transfer will include a Victim Code based on Type & number of victims assigned to the incident DISCEMIS Verify will include victim info in the Export For FY19, you will now need to report data pertaining to the victim in a discipline incident if there is a victim of student violence per HB49. For reporting purposes, if the behavior of the student resulted in discipline for a violent incident or an action that was directed at another person (student, teaching staff, non-teaching staff, other person in the building), you will need to update the discipline incident – Victim record with the appropriate victim or victims indicating the type of district person was involved. Each victim record on the discipline incident represents a single victim. This means that if there was more than one victim involved, a separate victim record needs to be added to the discipline incident with the appropriate victim type specified. Only one victim code will be reported, however, it will be calculated based on the victim record(s) attached to an incident. The DISCEMIS process has been updated to verify victim information, the download file for DISCEMIS will contain the victim information from the Incident so that you can verify before reporting.
EMIS Updates - Discipline Click on the Victims tab of the discipline incident For each victim, select the appropriate Victim Type code to assign to the Victim You will see more than one choice for a code. This is because of existing standard codes that were already available For any incident where victims need to be reported, you will edit the Victim Record and assign a victim type from the dropdown. Victim Type codes have existed as a standard set of codes prior to the reporting requirement. We’ve updated existing codes to the proper EMIS reportable code so that you don’t have to update codes if you had already assigned a victim type to a record. All ‘individual’ victim codes have been added to the dropdown with an EMIS code cross reference. When the Discipline record transfer runs and creates the records to be reported, it will report the proper code based on a combination of the victim type codes assigned to all the victim records.
EMIS Updates - Discipline Discipline Reporting PS-3 Discipline Reason Detail Element Reported for students in Grades PS through 03 Students with Out-of-school suspension or Expulsion Adding new element to the Action Record GD Transfer updated to include code value DISCEMIS updated with additional checks for the element value & will be included in the download
EMIS Updates - Discipline New Element for PS-3 Discipline Reason for students who were Expelled or received out-of-school Suspension An additional element was added to the Discipline Action record for students in grades PS – grade 3 that were either out of school suspended or Expelled. This new indicator provides the additional details on why the student in grades PS through Grade 03 received the type of discipline for the incident. The default for students in all grades other than PS-Grade 3 AND students in those grades with a discipline record but no expulsion or Out of school Suspension is * - Not Applicable. The DISCEMIS Verify process will also point out students in PS-3 that have either an Out-of-school suspension or Expulsion but have an * in this field so you’ll know who needs updated for reporting.
EMIS Updates – Ad Hoc Reports Additional Ad Hoc Reports to assist with EMIS reporting have been added. Check the Ad hoc reports folders for EMIS to see what reports are available.
DataMap and SpS Refresh Reporting Updates
DataMap emis import Will create and update Program Codes and On Track Status values from the RIMPs created in DataMap Updating the import to handle Program Codes that are added after the initial set for a student have been imported from DataMap
SpecialServices refresh - emis
SpecialServices refresh - emis
SpecialServices refresh - emis EMIS verification checks on open documents EMIS data will flow directly into SI once approved
Thank you!