START and the Technology Applications TEKS for Texas Teachers Presented by the Texas Center for Educational Technology (TCET)
Technology Applications Definition Curriculum that includes the teaching and learning of technology skills and the use of computers and other related electronic tools.
Texas Center for Educational Technology
Sharing Technology Applications Resources with Teachers START Sharing Technology Applications Resources with Teachers
Technology Applications TEKS Essential Knowledge and Skills •Technology Use •Curricular Integration Goal: Teach the Technology Applications TEKS and integrate them across curriculum.
Technology Applications Focus Creating, accessing, manipulating, utilizing, communicating, and publishing information Integrating throughout subject areas
Strands throughout TEKS Foundations Information Acquisition Work in Solving Problems Communication
Foundations Technology-related terms Technology-related concepts Data input strategies Impact on society
Information Acquisition Identify task requirements Plan for using search strategies Use of technology to access, analyze, and evaluate the acquired information
Work in Solving Problems Select task-appropriate technology Synthesize knowledge Create a solution Evaluate the results
Communication Analyze audience requirements and available delivery mechanisms Match delivery and distribution to audience Evaluate the results
Snapshot of a 2nd grader Uses keyboard to increase motor skills Learns alphabet and numbers Uses paint and draw programs Uses multimedia
Snapshot of a 5th grader Uses accurate keyboarding Increases writing skills with the word processor Uses telecommunications, CD-ROMs, etc, to find information Publishes charts, multimedia, word processed documents
Snapshot of an 8th grader Demonstrates mastery in: Desktop publishing Data disaggregation with sorts and Boolean searches Forecasts and predictions Telecommunications projects Multimedia production
Technology Applications: High School Level Courses of study Integration of Technology Applications TEKS throughout the curriculum Technology Applications Credit - Computer Science I or II, Business Computer Applications I or II, Business Computer Programming I or II, Computer Applications, Microcomputer Applications, Business Information Processing, Computer Mathematics, or Industrial Technology Computer Applications.
Technology Applications: High School Level 8 courses in Technology Applications Computer Science I Computer Science II Desktop Publishing Digital Graphics/Animation Multimedia Video Technology Web Mastering Technology Applications Independent Study Technology Applications Credit - Computer Science I or II, Business Computer Applications I or II, Business Computer Programming I or II, Computer Applications, Microcomputer Applications, Business Information Processing, Computer Mathematics, or Industrial Technology Computer Applications.
What is START? Provides awareness information Provides resources Provides a mechanism to share Texas Center for Educational Technology
START’s Components Images: Educational Acceptable Use Policies The PARTNERS Project Lower Valley CPDT Educational Acceptable Use Policies Web Spinning START Web Site Texas Center for Educational Technology
For more TA TEKS Information: Your Education Service Center Curriculum or Technology Contact TCET Web Site: TEA Web Site: