Providing Encouragement for Handling Life’s Concerns Key Outcome of Series: Providing Encouragement for Handling Life’s Concerns that cause us to Struggle with Worry, Anxiety and Fear!
If Worry is Wearing You Out, then God’s got a New Way forward for you!
CLIFFHANGERS! Joshua 1: 1 - 9
“When I am not sure of which way a situation will go” CLIFFHANGER: UNCERTAINTY… “When I am not sure of which way a situation will go”
“What will happen to…me”? — Uncertainty is at the —“WWHMe?” “What will happen to…me”? — Uncertainty is at the Heart of our Insecurity!
Cliffhangers revolve around Seven F’s of Life: Family; Friends; Firm; Finances; Faith; Fun and Fitness Which causes your heart pressure to increase?
Joshua—At the Edge of Uncertainty “How Can I lead these people?” “Will I be as strong as Moses?” “Why me Lord?” “What if I fail?”
only from our viewpoint.” Faith Struggle: “We see the situation only from our viewpoint.”
Faith Struggle: “The Fear of our Fear is Actually our Worry!”
On this side of Heaven it is impossible to remove uncertainty…but Faith Struggle: On this side of Heaven it is impossible to remove uncertainty…but God’s Promise is your strong Ledge to stand on!
a God-Centered Perspective! Faith Struggle: Tackle Worry from a God-Centered Perspective! We need to utilize Spiritual Binoculars!
God’s voice to Joshua and to Us: “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you!”
Joshua’s Cliffhanger— “Have you ever started a new job you felt inadequate to do?”
Joshua’s Cliffhanger— Three times God speaks… “Be strong and very courageous, do not be afraid, for the Lord your God is WITH you!”
Paul affirmed it like this: “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate me/us from God’s love!” Romans 8:38
Meditation Tool: CALM C—Count to Five A—Acknowledge God L—List where you need help M—Meditate, repeat… “God is here; HE is with me; God can take care of this!”