WELCOME TO FOURTH GRADE! Please take a look around our classroom. Find your child’s seat. WELCOME TO FOURTH GRADE!
THE FOURTH GRADE TEAM Ms. Allegra, Mrs. DiGello, Mrs. Garsson, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Lampl, Mr. Landis, Ms. Layne, Mrs. Opauski, Mrs. Vogel, Mrs. Whitehouse
Personalized Learning Using technology Everyone learns what they need to learn at their level Goal setting Voice and choice in your own learning Personalized Learning What does that mean for fourth grade? Show Google Classroom
Social Thinking and PBIS What is Social Thinking? Teaches students WHY to think socially What is expected and unexpected at Tolbert Morning/Class daily meetings Mini lessons Community building Class incentives Ask your child about: Expected and Unexpected Behavior Comfortable and Uncomfortable Thoughts Brain/Body in the Group Size of the Problem Whole Body Listening School Smarts/Social Smarts Teaches knowledge, not skills -Behavior is the outcome, but we teach the perspective taking necessary to impact behavior
CHANGE YOUR WORDS, CHANGE YOUR MINDSET Got Grit? How we will get there
ABOUT 4TH GRADE Just some of the things we will do... Study Virginia history, Math, Science & Language Arts Read lots of great books and poetry, as well as write some of our own…LOVE OF READING Use technology to do research, write reports, and make presentations like this one Have some fun while becoming great thinkers!
HELP YOUR CHILD SUCCEED BY… Read with your child daily. Provide a structured environment for homework. Homework should not take longer than one hour. Check and sign student agenda and RED homework folder EVERY night. Look through and discuss contents of Thursday Folders with your child. Check the 4th grade webpage for newsletters, calendar, and other essential information.
HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS Questions to ask your child while reading: Who is the main character? How has this character changed over time? How are you making connections to other books or your real life? What do you predict is going to happen next? What is the story mostly about? Weekly math homework sheet to be completed Monday – Thursday Math 3-2-1 on Monday nights (watch a video and record 3 things learned, 2 questions, and 1 interesting fact) Read 20 minutes every night- Discuss with your child what they are reading Be sure to check the agenda every night for any additional assignments or study materials
STANDARDS OF LEARNING (SOL) Curriculum requirements set out by the Virginia Department of Education. Every lesson taught is aligned with these standards! The SOL tests are administered in May. These assess the standards taught throughout the year. Fourth grade subjects tested: Reading Math Virginia History
BRING YOUR OWN TECHNOLOGY (BYOT) Approved technology devices include laptops, IPADS, tablets and internet capable media players Screen needs to be larger than 7 inches (no cell phones) Your child will be receiving a form to be filled out at home listing the device that is coming to school and the serial number BYOT is a privilege and can be taken away
ATTENDANCE Each and every school day is valuable learning time, so please make every effort for your child to be here every day ON TIME. Students must be in the classroom by 7:50 AM or they are considered tardy. Kids do get sick, but... Everyone MUST send a note or call the front office: Absences (Children must be fever-free with no medication for 24 hours before returning to school) Tardy arrivals
PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES First quarter conferences will occur on November 5th & 6th. Conference sign-up will be available on-line. Your teacher will email you a sign up at a later date to sign up.
GRADING Most assessments are online and therefore you will not receive a paper copy of the child’s test or quiz. Please check Phoenix frequently. All grades will be on Phoenix within a week of the assessment. Check Thursday folders for graded assignments. If you have any questions, let me know.
REMIND We will use Remind as a way of communication for various assignments and events Directions Refer to your first day packet for information to sign up.
UPCOMING FIELD TRIPS October 12, 2018- Jamestown Extended-day field trip Information coming in your child’s Thursday Folder We will choose chaperones later
NOTES ABOUT OUR CLASSROOM Climate: BRING A SWEATER OR SWEATSHIRT! No classroom snacks The best way to reach your teacher is via email….. Mrs. Grant cgrant2@lcps.org Mrs. Lampl llampl@lcps.org Mrs. Opauski copauski@lcps.org Ms. Allegra rallegr2@lcps.org Ms. Layne jlayne@lcps.org
VOLUNTEER SIGN UP Volunteers are needed for Thursday folders Copying/laminating Sunshine Math (math enrichment group) Room Parent (party planner) Sign up sheet is coming home in your child’s Thursday (first day) folder
CLASSROOM WISH LIST Please see the classroom door for items. Grab a note and bring your donated item to school.