Some More Inventions With Details
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Paper Paper ~ China 105 AD Modern paper, and the papermaking process, was invented in China around 105 AD. Paper was named after “papyrus,” a reed that the ancient Egyptians used to make material to write on. Ancient people used pressed reeds and rags for paper. Today companies use wood pulp to make paper products.
Telescope Telescope: 16th century Historians believe Hans Lippershey invented the telescope in 1608. When he placed two lenses in a tube, distant objects seemed to be much closer. The great Italian scientist Galileo (1564-1642) is also credited with inventing the telescope to study the stars and planets.
Toilet Toilet: 16th century The toilet was created and then improved by many people over the last 500 years – in fact, it continues to be “reinvented” to this day. Sir John Harington invented the very first flush toilet in the 16th century for Queen Elizabeth in her palace. She called it the “water closet.” Toilet
Telephone The Telephone: 1876 Alexander Graham Bell turned sound vibrations into variations in electrical current that could be transmitted through wires from one place to another. His invention started the ideas for intercoms, walkie-talkies, radio signals, FAX messages and even the Internet.
Lightbulb Light Bulb: 1879 The electric light bulb was invented in 1879 by two people, Thomas Alva Edison in the United States and Sir Joseph Wilson Swan in England. Swan actually made the first electric light, but had trouble keeping the light on inside the bulb. Edison was successful in producing a 16-watt light bulb that lasted 1500 hours.
Stoplight Automobile The Automobile: Early 1900’s Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot of France built the first self-propelled vehicle. In 1769, his steam-powered tricycle carried four passengers for 20 minutes at a top speed of 3.6 km/hr. It was in 1908 that Henry ford started a car company making the model T. The car was inexpensive and easy to drive. The Stoplight: Early 1900’s African-American inventor Garrett A. Morgan developed a traffic signal that raised and lowered “Stop” and “Go” signs. This technology has been electrified, then computerized, but not replaced because the science of its use was both revolutionary and ahead of its time.
Airplane Airplane: 1903 Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the first powered airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The flight only lasted 57 seconds, but opened the door to passenger flights, jet planes, and even space flights.
Television Television: 1927 Philo Farnsworth sent the first television signal in his lab in San Francisco, California in 1927. The image was a simple black line that was being rotated to see if the television could record and reproduce its movement. The first TV didn’t have any sound, but Philo loved inventing and continued to improve his idea of the television. He also developed the idea of radar and the black light, which makes things look as if they’re glowing.
Computer Computer: 1945 Machines for doing complex math calculations were used by the Chinese thousands of years ago. In 1945, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator was invented. The machine filled a very large room and had its own air conditioner. Modern developments such as the computer chip, a computer can fit into the palm of your hand.
CD’s Compact Disc: 1980 Digital Video Disc: 1995 Philips Company began working on the compact disc technology in the mid-1960’s, but it wasn’t on the market until 1980. Philips joined with Sony Corporation to create the first compact disc players in Japan. As the cost of CD technology dropped, it’s become possible for musicians all around the world to record and sell their music. Digital Video Disc: 1995 No one person is responsible for inventing the DVD technology. Ten of the world’s largest electronics, TV, computer and entertainment companies worked together to create the DVD format in 1995. DVD’s look similar in size and appearance to a compact disc but they hold a lot more information than a CD; everything from massive computer programs to full-length movies.
Written and produced by June Hartig and Alison Campbell 2001