Print 4x for default scenario No Shock
Print 5x for default scenario Dry spell
Print 1x for default scenario Severe drought!
Government description You will receive your budget at the beginning of each year. When a shock hits, you can provide emergency aid: All but one of you may approach the farmers and give aid: ask how many assets the farmer has and give aid when a farmer has 0 assets Give no more than 2 assets per farmer. Approach farmers individually - You are not allowed to approach multiple farmers at the same time During a shock, people are hard to reach: anyone you approach, will cost you 2 assets, to be paid to the financial controller. Directly pay the financial controller after each farmer you approach. You have 30 seconds Farmers with 0 assets after emergency aid become inactive farmers: These farmers are inactive for at least 1 year: at the end of the next year you can activate them by giving them 2 assets per farmer. If you have no assets left to give to these farmers, they can’t return in the game You don’t receive income from inactive farmers.
New rule: identification You are able to gain information about the assets of the farmers At the cost of 1 asset per farmer you can ask the farmer how many assets he/she has. Pay to the financial controller, not to the farmers. You are not allowed to approach only 1 farmer per round. Investing in information means investing in a group of farmers (ask the facilitator for the minimum number of farmers) To help you remember which farmers you approached and how many assets they have, these approached farmers go to the area’s in the middle of the room marked 0-6. These numbers indicate the number of assets of the farmer(s) in the area.
New rule: social protection You are able to activate a social protection system: You are able to give extra assets to farmers before a shock might hit in order to make them more resilient against a shock. If social protection is activated, the ‘poor’ farmers (with up to two assets) you are connected to (in the numbered areas of the room) receive 1 asset per year, each year (= they move 1 area up).
Financial controller description At the beginning of each round: give income to the government. (= fixed amount + 1x number of active farmers) During emergency aid: collect 2 assets per approached farmer form the government During identification of farmers: collect 1 asset per farmer with whom the government makes a connection When the government activates social protection: make sure the government pays 1 asset per connected farmer per year. In smaller groups, the government can give the assets directly to the farmers and then the farmers move 1 area up. In larger groups, the farmers move 1 area up and the government pays the social protection assets to the financial controller.
Balance sheet Income Total costs Balance Inactive farmers Year 1 Print 2x: 1 for government and 1 for financial controller
Year 1 Round 1
Year 2 Round 2
Year 3 Round 3
Year 4 Round 4
Year 5 Round 5
Year 6 Round 6
Year 7 Round 7
Year 8 Round 8
Year 9 Round 9
Year 10 Round 10