Madley Parish Council 2nd May 2019 Nick Pollock Head of Planning
Preferred Site
A key focus of our work is to ‘transforms lives by making great places’ We aim to help create attractive sustainable places through community and stakeholder engagement in the process. Purpose: To assess the suitability for the land for sustainable housing scheme ie walkability and accessibility, Ability to reflect local traditions and architecture To create a sense of place Assess and confirm proposed red line boundary Ensure retention of access to nursery, homes and fields.
USING THE 3 STEPS Step 1 ‘Getting to know the area’ Aim Bring people together Share local knowledge Identify broad issues Actions Identify & Map ‘Assets’ through a sustainable framework exercise - ‘Rating Your Area ’Mapping quality of place exercise Step 2 ‘Links and Connections/ SWOT’ Assess ‘connectivity’ of site and ‘stitching’ into the local fabric Identify and map neighbourhood elements such as locations of main routes, shops, schools, community facilities etc Reviewing and agree the Principles for Good Placemaking Step 3 Character and Buildings Identify / agree character, materials and design features that represent character of area and development. Draws together acceptable buildings/houses and materials / details in an agreed Housing Manual.
The Workshop programme - 18-19th January 2019 Full day Workshop Saturday 19th January: 9:00– 5:00 8:45 – 9:15 Arrival / sign in + tea & coffee, pin up photographs 9:15 - Introductions and welcome 9:30- PF introduction – explain today’s workshop, process, 9:45- Background briefing 10:30 Q&A 10:45- 11:45 Village walk 11:45 ‘Essential Qualities of Place’ exercise 1: To start to identify the 5 essential qualities. 12:15 Essential Qualities Part 2: Through group discussion: people identify themes, and what it is that they like, is important. 13:30- 14:00 Lunch (during Lunch review and ‘vote’ on house types) 14:00 Review and agreeing principles of Place making. 14:30 Workshop Exercise: Principles of Place Making applied to Preferred Site 15:45 Feedback & tea (during exercise) 16:00 Rating House Type : Emerging archetypes are grouped into categories describing essential qualities and principles. 16:45 Round up / next steps- timetable 17:00 Close. Public Meeting Evening 18th January: 7:00-9:00 7:00 Introduction and Welcome 7:15 Why We are Here- The Neighbourhood Plan context 7:30 Introduction to PF; The BIMBY Process How this exercise fits in with the Neighbourhood Plan process and what we are doing tonight. 7:45 Q&A 8:00 – to close; Participation Exercises : Quality of Place – Mapping and recording what people like about the area to start to inform the Essential Characteristics that will underlie proposals. Rating house types – An exercise to identify what people see as good, not so good building precedents 8:45 / 9:00Close
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Preferred Site
Landscape context
Landscape context BIMBY Event, January 2019 Hedgerows Mature trees Footpaths Nursery Pond Moat BIMBY Event, January 2019
Public Transport
Questions and Discussion