Feudal Japan: The Tokugawa & Samurai Global History I: Spiconardi
The Samurai Bushido The way of the warrior Code of conduct for the samurai Any samurai who violated this code was expected to commit seppuku Seppuku ritual suicide in which a samurai disembowels himself (a.k.a. hara-kiri)
The Tokugawa Shogunate Comes to power in 1603 and reigns over a 265 year period of peace Forced all the warring daimyo to live in the capital city of Edo (Tokyo) Any daimyo who left Edo was required to have their family remain
Toku-GO-AWAY! Isolation Tokugawa distrusted foreigners Banned all western merchants Prohibited Japanese from traveling abroad Caused increase in internal trade Merchants gradually gain influence in feudal society
Tokugawa Shogunate Cultural Developments Kabuki Form of theatre in which actors wore bright & colorful costumes Originally only women performed Became so popular men wanted in and banned women Haiku Form of poetry in which the verse usually contains a 17-mora verse Tōkyō (to-o-kyo-o とうきょう),