Research Project (due May 7th ) Guidelines, Rubric, and Tips
Category: Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Content (50pts) The students work was borderline flawless. The content presented was of importance and was accurate. The student’s work was good, but not flawless. Some of the content presented was not analyzed thoroughly. The student’s work was decent. Some of the content was not analyzed thoroughly. Some of the content was inaccurate. Several parts of the project were missing. There were multiple inaccuracies. Grammar (15pts) There were no major grammar mistakes. Citations were done correctly. There were very few major grammar mistakes. A good faith attempt was made at citations. There were multiple major grammar mistakes. Citations were done incorrectly. There were multiple major grammar mistakes. Citations were not attempted. Creativity (15pts) The student submitted creative work within the confines of the project The student’s work was fairly creative. It was more than average. The student’s work was average in terms of creation. The student made no visible effort in terms of creativity. Participation (20pts) The student used his/her time wisely and utilized class time. The student used his/her time wisely, but lost focus some. The student did not use his or her time wisely. The student did not utilize any class time at all.
How to avoid Plagarism: Plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Cite the work both in the paper and at the end. Paraphrase – “two words should never be used back to back verbatim” Use quotations from the author (be sure to cite) Have a works cited page Most of your presentation should be your own thoughts and analysis.
How to create a Works Cited Page (done at the end of your project) Internet Last Name, First Name. Title of Website. Date last updated. Author (if given). Name of organization that sponsors the site. Date accessed <URL link>. Flannery O’Connor Collection. 7 July 2006. Georgia College and State University. 31 August 2006. <>. Encyclopedia “Title of Article.” Name of Encyclopedia. Year. Name of online source. Date <URL (Persistent link)>. “Whale Oil.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 23 August 2006 <>.
In-Text Citations (done throughout your project) Nmcomeoapodbfp oamcpomeoepin oaindren cnodisomlfm ejsoidnfdf slkdnf sofkjs fosfmis ofims fsmfosidf aohe ac docmdi caj eojaog ajoigjaoei (Boyd). “oamimoeiceoniohtnaont oamdfokdmf d sodnfidoncd dmgofkg fgaoi” (Reed). Ompaiodnhndc ocmcodimc mcdoimcioao g agondfignaoing codmfiajfe ocmdoiamosi goimeoims (Boyd). Mcomeimceomi ofnamidomf nsodinfdio osidmfdoi ocimoeicniodnecoecn omicoeicm. Ocmemoiceiocn “ocmeocmeomic cmeocmsoaiuefbfiodso” (Lowe).