Dates Summer Reading Fun May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week Please remember our paras Elyse and Tracy and our OT Pam, PT Sarah and Speech Therapist Quinn. May 7th PTO Meeting May 24th Early Release No p.m. preschool. Morning preschool dismisses at 11:00. May 27th Holiday I cannot believe that this is the last newsletter for this school year. It feels like yesterday when all the new little faces eagerly looked up at us for the first time. The children have matured and learned a lot this school year. We are preparing to take our end of the year tests at the end of May so keep a look out in your child’s book bag for his/her scores. We hope everyone has a fun and safe summer vacation. Materials Needed Paper Plates Baby Wipes Plastic Cups June 2 FES Color Run June 5th PTO Meeting June 8th Movie Night June 12-13th a.m. preschool dismisses at 11. No p.m. preschool Summer Reading Fun Reading Adventure Packs for Families