Solutions to Infertility


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Presentation transcript:

Solutions to Infertility Reproductive Technologies

1. Artificial Insemination (AI) injecting a sample of sperm from the male partner into the female partner's reproductive tract. Used by..... - infertile couple (ie man with a low sperm count) - woman without a partner who wants a child

2. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) fertilization takes place outside the body in a laboratory procedure fertilized oocytes are implanted in the uterus may be used in conjunction with “in vitro maturation”

in vitro maturation (IVM) - where primary follicles are removed and induced to mature into secondary follicles. IVM is used to produce numerous oocytes for IVF

Used by.... a woman with damaged or blocked oviducts

3. Superovulation FSH injections HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) injections mimics effect of LH Used to.... produce multiple eggs for IVF or to increase the chance of pregnancy

4. Surrogate Motherhood Either or a fertilized oocyte from from an infertile couple is placed in the uterus of a surrogate mother or a surrogate undergoes AI using sperm from the male of an infertile couple Used by.... a woman who cannot bring a child to term

5. Cryopreservation oocytes, semen or embryo are preserved by freezing Used by.... a male or female cancer patient who may become sterile due to radiation therapy a sperm bank that supplies semen for AI


What is Infertility? inability to conceive a child. A couple is considered infertile if the woman does not conceive a child after one year of unprotected, well-timed intercourse or she has been unable to carry a pregnancy to a live birth. The diagnosis is sped up for women over 35.

Male Infertility

1. Azoospermia produces no sperm caused by…. - congenital or acquired reproductive tract obstruction - spermatogenic failure

2. Oligospermia produces too few sperm. May be caused by... - lack testosterone (hypogonadism) - chromosomal problems - drugs (alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, and certain medications, can temporarily reduce sperm quality) - exposure to environmental toxins (eg pesticides and lead)

3. Impotency (Erectile Dysfunction) the inability to achieve and maintain an erection firm enough to allow intercourse.

Causes of impotency... Physical Psychological vascular diseases diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) disease of the nervous system (eg multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injuries) physical stress or fatigue prescribed medication excessive consumption of alcohol excessive use of tobacco Psychological depression mental stress

Female Infertility

1. Ovulation disorders woman doesn't ovulate or eggs aren't available to be fertilized. Caused by.. L stress L poor nutrition L intense athletic training

2. Endometriosis occurs when tissue from the endometrium (the innermost lining of the uterus) grows outside the uterus. often causes scarring on the ovaries or at the ends of the fallopian tubes.

one of the most common causes of painful menstrual periods and infertility one in 10 women affected to some degree Endometrial tissue is typically shed during menstruation, but this misplaced tissue can't be shed. The scar tissue can prevent eggs from moving into the tubes for fertilization.

3. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) excess of androgens keeps eggs from maturing and can damage the eggs - problem most often is traced to chronic insulin resistance - link to diabetes - too much of the male hormones (androgens).

4. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) serious infection of the female reproductive organs - caused by movement of organisms that cause other sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, into the upper genital tract. - the fallopian tubes may become scarred, causing infertility and increasing the risk for a future ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube).