Lets stop and think about that for a second WHAT ARE CRITICAL MODERN LIFE SKILLS? Lets stop and think about that for a second
Critical Modern Life Skills Communication Adaptability Critical Thinking
How Will These Skills Help Me In My Career? These skills will prepare you for variety of situations in the work place. You will also learn some important leadership traits as you learn more about theses skills.
Communication ~Communication as a skill refers to the ability to expressively interact with others to give and receive information appropriately in order to accomplish mutual goals. Verbal Written ~These are essential skills that work toward your careers success.
Communication Be sure to initiate your message with a transition statement similar to “Dear” whomever Always include a “subject” section Be sure to give a farewell to conclude your message.
Communication Proper communication consists of: Using exact detail Being clear and precise How to use proper phrases to clarify “What’s clear to you is clear to you” How the message is delivered VS how it comes off It’s not what you’s how you say it **communication- using detail, clear, precise. context in consideration. “what's clear to you is clear to you.” Phrases to use to clarify. **how we deliver what we are trying to say VS how it could come off to someone (it's not what you say it's how you say it).
Adaptability Adaptability as a skill refers to the ability of a person to change their actions, course or approach to doing things in order to suit a new situation. These next few slides will help you learn how to become more adaptable.
Observe and monitor changes in your environment. Be willing to learn. Avoid procrastination. Acknowledge the fact that changes are bound to occur. Think creatively. Embrace ambiguity. Exercise emotional intelligence.
Introduction To Critical Thinking The question at issue in this paper is: What is the current state of critical thinking in higher education? Sadly, studies of higher education demonstrate three disturbing, but hardly novel, facts: Most college faculty at all levels lack a substantive concept of critical thinking. Most college faculty don’t realize that they lack a substantive concept of critical thinking, believe that they sufficiently understand it, and assume they are already teaching students it. Lecture, rote memorization, and (largely ineffective) short-term study habits are still the norm in college instruction and learning today.
Critical Thinking How does critical thinking relate to adaptability? Why is critical thinking necessary in a professional setting? Studies Reveal That Critical Thinking Is Rare in the College Classroom. Without the concepts and tools of substantive critical thinking, students often learn something very different from what is “taught.” “Too many facts, too little conceptualizing, too much memorizing, and too little thinking.” ~ Paul Hurd, the Organizer in Developing Blueprints for Institutional Change
Does Critical Thinking Even Help? Research demonstrates that, contrary to popular faculty belief, critical thinking is not fostered in the typical college classroom. In a meta-analysis of the literature on teaching effectiveness in higher education.
How Does Critical Thinking Work. It focuses upon that part of our minds that enables us to think things through, to learn from experience, to acquire and retain knowledge. It is like a mirror to the mind, enabling us to take ownership of the instruments that drive our learning. Not only to think, but to think about how we are thinking, is the key to our development as learners and knowers.
Substantive Knowledge Teaching focused on a substantive concept of critical thinking appeals to reason and evidence. It encourages students to discover as well as to process information. Substantive knowledge is knowledge that leads to questions that lead to further knowledge (that, in turn, leads to further knowledge and further vital questions, and on and on). Acquiring substantive knowledge is equivalent to acquiring effective organizers for the mind that enable us to weave everything we are learning into a tapestry, a system, an integrated whole.
Stepping Stones Activity
Stepping Stones Activity Reflection. What was the difficult part of the task and how did you use critical thinking to solve the situation? What do you think would have made this task more adaptability? How did you adapt to the situation that was presented and how would you apply this skill in your workplace? What did you learn going through this experience?
Summary Communication- can either make or break your team. Adaptability- remember that adaptations are most effective when actions are taken earlier. Critical thinking-. Teaching focused on a substantive concept of critical thinking appeals to reason and evidence. It encourages students to discover as well as to process information.
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