Lesson 5 Communicating, Listening, & Emotions Bellringer Describe the importance of communication skills? List two ways that you can show someone that you are listening to what they are telling you. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"
Lesson 5 Objectives Summarize why good communication is important. Communicating, Listening, & Emotions Objectives Summarize why good communication is important. Differentiate between passive, assertive, and aggressive communication styles. Name five characteristics of good listening skills. List three examples of body language. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"
Lesson 5 Communication Styles Communicating, Listening, & Emotions Communication Styles Passive A passive communicator does not offer opposition when challenged or pressured. Aggressive An aggressive communicator is hostile and unfriendly. Assertive When you communicate assertively, you express yourself in a direct, respectful way. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"
Lesson 5 Communicating, Listening, & Emotions Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"
Lesson 5 Listening Skills Communicating, Listening, & Emotions Listening Skills Active Listening means letting the speaker know you are listening and clarifying anything confusing. Paraphrasing means using your own words to restate what someone else says. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"