Compare and Contrast
Know the Rubric Comparison means to say what is the same and what is different. This says at LEAST on – you need THREE – Rule of 3!!! Analyze means to say why – why is there a difference or similarity
Tackle the Question
Brainstorm Quickly
Format of Essay Remember you only get points for pointing out the similarities and differences. Consider the following…
If you do the following… Where are you going to compare and contrast???
The following also has some issues Can work, but not always
Best format to get POINTS This requires a lot of prewriting – if you have time, do this!!!
Thesis – Same as before – answer question, use groups, and give hints Use Outline Thesis – Same as before – answer question, use groups, and give hints Political Goals and Outcomes Economic Goals and Outcomes Military Goals and Outcomes Evidence Evidence Evidence Conclusion
Common Problems Describing the two things/events separately (with great evidence) but never comparing and/or contrasting – NO POINTS FOR DESCRIBING Confusing dates, people, and places Running out of time and not finishing