Biomes SB 4.


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Presentation transcript:

Biomes SB 4

Tundra Located near the poles Light rainfall Permafrost- ground stays permanently frozen Animals Plants Reindeer Mosses Fox Grasses Lemmings Lichens

Taiga Cold – but no permafrost Medium rainfall Conifer Trees – cone bearing Animals Plants Moose Pines Black bears Fir Lynx Spruce

Temperate Deciduous Forest Our Biome Medium rainfall 4 Seasons Trees change colors in the fall and lose their leaves in the Winter Animals Plants Deer Oaks Rabbits Poplars Squirrels Sycamores

Grassland Middle latitudes Low rainfall Average temperature Animals Plants Prairie dogs Sunflowers Bison Goldenrods Pronghorn Antelopes Clovers

Desert Cold nights Very little rain Driest Biome Animals Plants Snakes Cacti Lizards Sage-brush Birds Mesquite

Tropical Rainforest Found near equators A lot of rainfall Very humid

Tropical Rainforest Year round growing seasons Tall trees with dense canopies MOST biodiversity-plants and animals