Ch. 4-6 Test is Wednesday (warm-ups due Wednesday) ECONOMICS: February 15 Warm-up (reading Milton Friedman biography from p. 170): What does Friedman have to say about government (G) interference in the economy? Does he think P ceilings and P floors are good policy? What other economist that we have studied reminds you of his view of G involvement in the economy (Hint: invisible hand)? Economics Learning Target #1: In order to understand the concept of P controls, I will analyze G imposed P ceilings and P floors. I will know I have it when, on a combined S and D graph, I can show the market going into disequilibrium as a result of: (1) a P floor creating a surplus; and (2) a P ceiling creating a shortage. See Chapter 6, Lesson 3 Lecture Guide (HO) --P ceilings and P floors: preview video -analyzed through rent controls and the minimum wage Ch. 4-6 Test is Wednesday (warm-ups due Wednesday)