Welcome to Mrs. Burns’ 4th Grade Class!
Whooo is Mrs. Burns? B.S. in Early Childhood Education from Berry College M.Ed in Early Childhood Education from KSU ELL Endorsed and Gifted Endorsed 15th year teaching in Cobb County/ 5th year at Eastvalley Volunteer/foster with Angels Among Us Pet Rescue Married with a 15 year old son and 4 year old daughter
Daily Schedule 7:50-8:00 Morning Procedures 8:00-9:30 Math Workshop, Guided Math, & Number Talks 9:30-9:55 Recess 10:00-10:50 Writer’s Workshop 10:50-11:43 Reader’s Workshop w/ Guided Reading & Daily 5 11:43-12:13 Lunch 12:13-12:30 Transition (bathroom, packing up) 12:30-1:15 Specials (P.E., Art, Music, Tech, Media Center, STEM) 1:20-1:55 Science or Social Studies 2:00-2:20 Read Aloud/ Class Meeting
*Multiplication & Division Facts (should already be mastered) Mathematics Math Workshop Guided Math Number Talks Curriculum place value, rounding, order of operations, multiplication and division, fraction equivalents, operations with fractions, decimals, geometry, measurement, WORD PROBLEMS *Multiplication & Division Facts (should already be mastered)
Language Arts Writer’s Workshop Grammar Reader’s Workshop Guided Reading & Daily 5 Book Clubs
Social Studies and Science Social Studies- Ms. Goldberg Science- Earth & moon, stars & planets, ecosystems, water, weather, light, sound, forces & motion STEM
Homework Reading Spelling & Vocabulary Math 20+ minutes/day Spelling & Vocabulary Math Tuesday- Friday homework Special activities/projects sent home periodically
Grading Common Core GPS Grading Scale Monitoring Grades A= 90-100% B= 80- 89% C= 74-79% D= 70-73% F= 69% or less
Management in our Classroom… 7 Habits and Leader in Me One Stop Shop & Marble Jar Logical Consequences Behavior Chart
Communication Blog- www.cobblearning.net/kburns SeeSaw App Tuesday Trackers ParentVue Agendas
Odds and Ends… Attendance Transportation Changes Money Standardized Tests EVRC/Accelerated Reader Birthdays Snacks and Water Bottles PTSA/Foundation
3 Cheers for Volunteers! Room Rep(s) Art Class Volunteer Art Appreciation Rep Media Center Volunteer Copy Parent Backpack Parent(s)
Please email me if you have any questions or concerns! Katie.Burns@cobbk12.org Please email me if you have any questions or concerns!