First Grade Homework Monday, May 27, 2019 – Friday, May 31, 2019 Monday 5/27 Memorial Day School Closed! We will be working on Unit 14.2 Memory words and soft (c), (g) pattern words. Spelling Words 1-10 (kind, buy, find, right, wash, light, face, place, cage, page) Spelling Unit 14.2 test Friday 5/31! Math Timed test 5/31 (continue to practice for Math Bee) Reminders: Reading Homework Log due Tuesday 5/28 Ascension Thursday School Mass: Thursday 5/30 at 9:00a.m. (NO NUT CARDS PERMITTED THURSDAY!) May Reading Responses due Friday 5/31 Tuesday 5/28 1. Read for 15 minutes Backpack page 45 Read for fluency “The Winner’s Mitt 2. Spelling –Write Unit 14.2 Memory Words 1-6 (kind, buy, find, right, wash, light) in complete sentences. Add your heading to your homework (First and Last name with date 5/28/19. 3. Go Math Chapter 12 School-Home Letter Practice Rounds for Math BEE! The Math Bee will be held Monday 6/3 in-class. Math Bee letter was submitted last week Thursday 5/23, children are expected to practice the rounds during their spare time. Good luck I know you can do it! Wednesday 5/29 Read for 15 minutes and Backpack page 46 (Cut out words, review, and KEEP HOME for practice!) Spelling –Write Unit 14.2 Pattern Words 7-10 (face, place, cage, page) in complete sentences. Box your pattern words! Go Math Lesson 12.1 Sort 2-D Shapes pages 675-676 Practice rounds for Math BEE Monday 6/3! Thursday 5/30 Ascension Thursday Mass at 9:00a.m. NO NUT Cards today! Read for 15 minutes and Backpack page 47 Soft c and Soft g pattern word review! Spelling –Write ALL Unit 14.2 Words (kind, buy, find, right, wash, light, face, place, cage, page) in alphabetical order and 3xs’ each (STUDY WORDS for test tomorrow!) Go Math Lesson 12.2 Describe 2-D Shapes pages 681-682 Friday 5/31 REMINDER: May Responses due today! Spelling Unit 14.2 TEST! Math Timed TEST! Read over the weekend and enter the minutes of your reading in your Reading Log! Math – Practice Rounds for Math BEE Monday, June 3rd! -Have a great weekend!