Dragons & Giants Vocabulary
Shaking with cold, fear, anger, or weakness trembling Shaking with cold, fear, anger, or weakness
leaping jumping
Breathing in short breaths puffing Breathing in short breaths
Past tense of scream: to make a loud, shrill cry or sound. screamed Past tense of scream: to make a loud, shrill cry or sound.
Able to face danger or pain without fear. brave Able to face danger or pain without fear.
A mass of land that rises very high above the surrounding area. mountain A mass of land that rises very high above the surrounding area.
A natural hole in the ground or in the side of a mountain. cave A natural hole in the ground or in the side of a mountain.
Stones or snow rolling down a mountain. avalanche Stones or snow rolling down a mountain.
shadow A dark area or figure made when rays of light are blocked by a person or thing.