Item 2.2 – ESS Work Programme on Education statistics Paolo Passerini Eurostat F5 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
The Project covers three areas of work in social statistics: Background The Project covers three areas of work in social statistics: Social protection Health Education The project started in November 2015
1. Social Protection Work in the area of social protection (ESSPROS) is subdivided in three parts: Analysis of links between ESSPROS and the national accounts framework (ESA 2010) Conceptual aspects Data comparison Links in data production Work in Task Force
1. Social Protection Proposal for satellite accounts on social protection First proposal in 2017, grants for implementation 2018-2019 Work in Task Force on beneficiaries from 2018- 2019 Study characteristics of beneficiaries from SILC Grants for implementation on number of beneficiaries:2020-2021
1. Social protection Feasibility analysis of macroeconomic indicators on social protection To be proposed in the context of the European Semester Pilot countries for preliminary analysis in 2017
2. Health Requirements by DG EMPL and DG ECFIN for complete and comparable health care expenditure statistics Commission Regulation on health care expenditure and financing was adopted on 4 March 2015 Applicable for the first time in 2016 Data should be compiled with reference to the System of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011 Manual
2. Health The project on health will cover the following aspects: Analysis of the links between SHA and the national accounts framework (ESA 2010) The analysis should cover conceptual aspects and data comparison, as well as the data production process Work expected to start in the first half of 2017 Reporting to the Public Health statistics Working Group (next meeting:24-25 November 2016)
3. Education In 2015 an Indicators Expert Group on education investment with DG EAC proposed Improvements in expenditure data, availability and timeliness Links and alignment between UOE expenditure data and national accounts (COFOG) Review of UOE data collection
3. Education Eurostat is working on education expenditure statistics with the support of a team of experts. This work includes Analysis of consistency and links with national accounts First approach to develop a system of education accounts Results expected at end 2017 Reporting to the Education and Training Statistics Working Group
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