AP Language and Comp. To Do: Daily Journal Monday, September 24th Daily Journal (4) Watch the film clip of Ground Zero after the twin towers collapsed. Are your reactions to these images similar to or different from Berne’s? AP Language and Comp. To Do: Daily Journal Quiz on Allison and Berne readings Make sure that your SOAPSTONES are on your desk Group Activity on readings Homework for Wed.: Read Cohen and Rogers (172-180) and create SOAPSTONES for each story
Go to the library for “scavenger hunt activity and reading Tuesday, September 25th Daily Journal (4) What is alliteration? Give an example. Senior English To Do: Daily Journal Group activity for Beowulf Complete margin questions for Beowulf- they must be submitted today for full credit Thursday Agenda: Go to the library for “scavenger hunt activity and reading Agenda for next Tuesday: 1. Short Quiz on Beowulf (worth 20 points) Beowulf v. Unferth essay exam (worth 100 points)
Wednesday, September 26th Daily Journal (5) What do you think you and your family could do to reduce the amount of garbage you produce? AP Language and Comp. To Do: Daily Journal- submit them for credit Quiz on Cohen and Rogers Make sure that your SOAPSTONES are on your desk Class discussion on readings Homework for Friday: Read White and Chopin (183-194) and complete SOAPSTONES
Thursday, September 27th NO DAILY JOURNAL Senior English To Do: Students will participate in a “scavenger hunt” and then will have the remainder of the period to READ. Agenda for next Monday: 1. Short Quiz on Beowulf (worth 20 points) Beowulf v. Unferth essay exam (worth 100 points)
Friday, September 28th No Daily Journal AP Language and Comp. To Do: We are in the library working on the activity based on the AP book list Students will participate in a “scavenger hunt” and then will have the remainder of the period to READ.