i21 NowShaping a Vision To Support Next Generation Learning Finance Committee Report Out i21now.com
Vision of the i21 Finance Subcommittee The i21NOW Finance subcommittee will support the transformative vision of 21st teaching and learning as formulated by the i21NOW Committee. The i21 Finance subcommittee vision is constructed on three pillars: Improving sustainability by leaving no stone unturned for sources of funding and creatively considering repurposing of expense budgets with support for the committees vision Using decision quality data and informational analytics to inform policy and strategy Independent review of the metrics used to prioritize and fund i21 projects Provides the foundation necessary to explore bold policy decisions
Sustainability Sustainability is considered for all i21 projects as part of the approval process Designate an Independent Chief Metrics Officer: Require the Metrics Officer to review and make recommendations on projects up for approval Review the metrics of approved projects over their funding life and report on variance
Moving from the Atom to the Electron (21st Century) Projects would be evaluated through the lens of moving from an Atom to an Electron Less Dollars and Time Spent on: Transportation Printed Textbook Structured Classrooms More Time Spent on: Virtual Learning Digital Content Using Technology to Personalize Learning
Data Driven Decision Making Embrace a Formal Data Driven Decision Making Process appropriate for Education Create and utilize standard decision models to prioritize and compare projects Assure Total Cost of Delivery based on decision quality data is reflected in analysis Identify KPIs which reflect progress of quantifiable and qualitative measures Project Example of a dashboard
Sample Project Dashboard
Informational Analytics Establish SDUSD Enterprise wide Informational Analytics Capacity Managed by Chief Metrics Officer Collect source data for all metrics from existing systems Identifies and fills gaps in metrics required to measure project performance Research best of class tools, examples, processes
Sample Business Case Template We are using much of this data today and it is an important effort. There are a lot of data inputs involved in putting together a business case like template but we are a sophisticated organization and we have a lot of those data point available. Total Cost of Delivery.
Sample Scorecard This helps drive the dashboard. Metrics Requirement Checklist: Meets Req. Points Hurdle Rates Criteria: (Goals and Objectives - 35 points) 1. Align with Superintendents Strategic Plan YES 5 2. Support of Academic Requirements 3. Net Present Value 4. Executive sponsor at division level. [Department/Division/Branch] 10 5. Fit with existing infrastructure (front-end / back-end) 2 pts each a. network 2 b. operations systems NO c. security Academic Requirements: How is this measuring Student Achievement (Goals & Objectives) Academic Requirements: How is this impact teaching and learning? How does this support a standards-based instructional system? How does this support student achievement? How does this support teacher development? How do you plan to measure the impact? Academic Requirement: How does this align with the district technology plan? How does this support the goals in the district technology plan? Who are the Beneficiaries? Have you considered a pilot vs. non-pilot long-term assessment to track student achievement progress? What are the Implementation timelines? Metrics Requirement Checklist: Meets Req. Points Business/Financial Requirements: (Financial Analysis & Budget - 10 points) RFP? Yes 1 Single source vendor? Budget Check No Competitive Bid? Scalability Build internal requirements Build School-site requirements Align requirements with purchasing. Is there consistency in funding to support this system long-term? Vendor Analysis: History with the District Consistent vendor? Licenses? Sustainability of Vendor? Provide customer support? Total cost of ownership including FTE, Consultant cost, and Replacement, repair Streamline process improvement This helps drive the dashboard.
Informational Analytics Independent Review Sustainability This is a graphical representation of what we have suggested here today and if followed, we feel that we can see improvements almost immediately Analytics
Final Considerations Survey best practices in other school districts that are deeply engaged in the bold use of technology to transform learning in the 21st century Both, Project RED schools/districts as well as personalized learning initiatives, such as Lindsay Unified School District, offer valuable experience in 21st century educational environments Repurposing budget dollars could be used to create technological efficiencies and increased access to instruction