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Mr. Short English 12: College Now 21 May 2019 APA Analysis Mr. Short English 12: College Now 21 May 2019
Today’s APA Formatting Writing Assignment Clarified Time to Work
Food & Drink Day: The Last Supper
MLA vs APA: MLA In-text citation: Works Cited Page heading APA Author name and page number (Short 222). Works Cited Page heading APA In-text citation: Author name and year published (Short, 2006). References Cover page
Cover Page: Create a cover page together.
References: APA citation: Example: Contributors' names (Last edited date). Title of resource. Retrieved from Example: Rose, R (1953). Thunder on sycamore street: a play in three acts. Dramatic publishing.
Writing Assignment: Analyze the commentary on society of The United States through the lens of ToSS (1953), This is America (2018). 1.5 pages. Intro: MoBaThBlue One sentence each. Thesis = Topic + Opinion + Suggestion Cite exactly four times. Thunder on Sycamore Street. This is America. A database article. An “anywhere” source.
1.5 Page Reflection: This is due tomorrow before the bell rings. Each group member must submit their paper on Google Classroom.
1.5 Page Reflection: Suggestion: Determine what you will be proving & find sources of support today. Type tonight. Revise & format tomorrow. Intro: MoBaThBlue You are proving your thesis. Body: Topic sentence (how to prove thesis) Quote sandwich or PEELS
I am hoping for amazing analysis. Homework: Finish typing this 1.5 page reflection. Tomorrow: #FoodAndDrinkDay I am hoping for amazing analysis.