Professional Development Milton Park Primary School works with the Portsmouth School Sports Partnership which is based at Priory School Sports College to support the delivery of high quality sports Professional Development Part of the grant supports the payment of coaches to deliver hands on coaching to the teachers during lesson time. In total this costs £12,160. This coaching format enables teachers to increase their knowledge of the PE curriculum, and their skill in delivering it. This will increase confidence and competence in school wide teaching. SPORTS FUNDING 2018 – 2019 Total Received: £21, 772 Total Spent: £21,772 Lunchtime Clubs During the week different year groups are offered the opportunity to participate in a lunchtime club. To increase exposure to sports that they would otherwise not have access to, and to improve extra curricular learning opportunities we currently offer Judo for KS1 and KS2, Multiskills for KS2 and a Change for Life club for KS1 £3,192 is spent on funding this. We currently offer after school clubs through the funding. These are multiskills based and are linked to the competition calendar, ensuring that children are well prepared for inter-school competition. £3,192 is spent on funding the after school clubs. After School Clubs Other The KS2 football team has recently entered into a range of competitions throughout the year, this has cost £90. The use and upkeep of the minibus for school PE events will cost approximately £450 Leadership The PE leader in school is new to the role and will be attending training sessions, meeting with other professionals and taking time out of class to develop her role in school. This will cost £2,688