0x33 0000 ① 0x33 8000 ② ① ② 0x33 FFF6 ① ② ① ② Sector B Sector A Main.c (hex FILE) Main.app will be moved to sector B By second Bootloader.c 0x33 0000 ① 0x33 8000 Sector A ② Main.c (hex FILE) Second bootloader’s Role: Receive main.app through UART and save to on sector B when I need to update main.c 2. After power on, branch to the sector B in order to give control to main.app Second Bootloader.c ① ② 0x33 FFF6 Boot to Flash Entry Point ① ② Power on Question 1: How can I give control of device from second bootloader.c to main.c? just use asm(“LB 0x33 0000”)(sector B hard address) in bootloader.c? Question 2: How can second bootloader.c distinguish between procedure of updating main.c and giveing control to main.c immediately. ① ②