Introduction to Web Authoring Class mtg. #3 our syllabus our class page Ellen Cushman
Today In Class Review what we’ve done: trinity of standards & file management. Talk about new vocab: types of links, xhtml and CSS, forward and backward compatibility, integrity and portability, accessibility. 3. What are we learning from reverse engineering these sites? 4. Play with your project page more. Save your files and load these.
For Next Time… 1/16 1. Drafts of project pages are due. Be prepared to talk about what you’ve done and how. 2. CSS: what is it and how can we work with it? Read Chapter 9 Zeldman. 3. Be prepared to work with CSS basic grammars.
Review What are the trinity of web standards? X Y Z
Review File Mangagement: How is a url (i.e. uniform resource locator) structured? Points to: domains, directories, files. http: (hypertext transfer protocols & ftp: file transfer protocols) Reading a personal page url.
What we’re learning re: html Let’s consider the strengths of html and weaknesses. What does CSS stand for? How might CSS address some of the later?
What we’re learning re: html What does CSS stand for? How might CSS address some of the problems with .html?
Adding links to your page Add links (mail to, internal,external, absolute and relative) a table, and a border to your page. What is an internal and external link? What is an absolute and relative link? What is a mailto link?
Links: External & Internal Anchors (Links) Within a Page “From” Link <A HREF=“#Section 1”> Go to Section 1</A> “To” Link <A NAME=“Section 1”> Section 1</A>
Links: absolute and relative Anchors (Links) to Another Page Absolute <A HREF=“ ~hartdw/”>Bill’s page</A> Relative <A HREF=“wwww4.html”>Writing to the World Wide Web, section 4</A>
Links: mailto Mailto Anchors <A HREF=“”> Ellen’s e-mail</A> Reload your page with these changes! Draft of your page due 1/16 for review.