What does he do well. What is his thesis. What are his main points What does he do well? What is his thesis? What are his main points? Do you see his side by the end? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEDSF15HVBc
Reminders and Clarifications All of your sources MUST come from the databases Your facts can either be direct quotes from the articles or paraphrases, but all of them need to have citations (quotes/paraphrases on the left side of the chart, citation on the right) All of the databases will cite the articles for you You need to be mindful of both sides of the issue as you research
Survey Game We are going to survey our classmates on what they might know about your topic. Find a partner, and tell them what your topic is, and then ask them what they already know about it.
Today… While we all want to take his advice and catch a nap, we have a lot to get done! By the end of today we need to have: At least one of your sources fully finished with 5 facts found Beginning on source 2 Make sure that you are keeping track of your sources as you go to form your works cited page
Assignments To help guide your research today, complete the “Developing Knowledge” assignment on Canvas. It can be found under the Argumentative Speech Unit, as well as the assignments. You should also finish at least one source today.