Bunker Critical Design Review Welcome & Charge Shane Kennedy NSS Project Leader www.europeanspallationsource.se Bunker CDR#2, Medicon Village, 15th October 2018
NSS Project scope: 15 neutron instruments + test beamline + support labs Nuclear Physics Institute BEER D07 D08 D04 E03 E04 + C-SPEC NMX BIFROST MIRACLES ODIN MAGIC DREAM T-REX HEIMDAL Test Beam Line VESPA FREIA LOKI ESS Lead Partners for instrument construction SKADI + ESTIA ESS In-Kind Partners also collaborate on sample environment, data management, lab fitout (D04, D08, E03 & E04) etc. ESS Instrument Layout (September 2017)
Recent history (CDR#1 -. CDR#2) Main changes needed after CDR#1 (i.e. Requirements, neutronics, documentation) Zvonko will discuss ESS Rebaselining: BOT shift from Oct 2019 to July 2022 consequences for bunker
Rebaseline schedule for Neutron Beam Instruments (V4 Rebaseline schedule for Neutron Beam Instruments (V4.0, 11th May 2018) from Installation workshop with teams building first 8 Instruments (8th May) Preliminary Design Detailed Design Manufacturing & Procurement Installation & Integration Hot Commissioning/Early science Operation West sector North sector East and South sectors Current date First access to NSS bldgs (E01) Start User Program (3NBI*) BOT & start HC of NBI* 8NBI* in User Program Safest instrument choices to be Ready for SOUP in West sector (BEER, CSPEC, BIFROST & MAGIC) & East (ESTIA) Most desirable instrument choices for early science highlights are in the South and North (ODIN, DREAM & LOKI). Selection of first NBI for SOUP in March 2023 Knock-on delays to NBI: 9 – 15 of ~ 1 yr and 16 – 22 of ~ 1 ½ yr 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 * NBI = Neutron Beam Instrument
CDR committee members External members: Internal (ESS) Members: Phil Ferguson (chair), SNS Tim Broome, STFC Romuald Hanslik, FZ-Jülich Internal (ESS) Members: Masa Arai, Technical Coordinator François Javier, ESH & Q Rikard Linander, Target Division
Charge for this review meeting Purpose: to assess whether bunker design satisfies all stated design requirements and whether it is defined at a level of detail consistent with release for engineering detailing and manufacturing, according to the procurement/production plan for the project: Specific questions: Are system requirements and interface requirements properly defined and complete? Have safety and hazards been properly considered and addressed? Do the System Design Description documents and related drawings adequately describe the design to the degree needed for fabrication or procurement; as per the project plan? Does the design satisfy the functional and performance requirements? Are the Manufacturing Plan, the Installation Plan, and System Analysis Reports finalized and do they support the stated design?
Agenda for CDR (1/3)
Agenda for CDR (2/3)
Agenda for CDR (3/3)