– a roundtable discussion


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Presentation transcript:

– a roundtable discussion Green and Decent Jobs – What contribution to better lives for people living in poverty? Green and Decent Jobs – a roundtable discussion Peter Poschen, ILO London, 13 November 2017

Global Workforce: ~ 3.6 billion (3.4 bn employed + 201 m unemployed)

The decent work challenge (ILO WESO 2016,2017) 2019/7/23 Unemployed: 201m globally (5.6%)-75 m youth Working poor: 776 million (< $3.10/dayPPP) ~ 28.7% labour force emerging & devel. econ Vulnerably employed: 1.4 bn globally Youth: 45 m new jobseekers/y next 5y 5.2 billion with no social security 1.1 billion without access to modern energy 860 million slum dwellers ILO 2014: Global Employment trends ILO 2014: World Social Protection Report

Workforce growth (2012) World: + 1.5% OECD: + 0.9% Latin A: + 2.2% 23/07/2019 Workforce growth (2012) World: + 1.5% OECD: + 0.9% Latin A: + 2.2% South Asia: + 1.9% E.A & Pac.: + 0.9% S.S. Africa: + 3.1% MENA: + 2.9% = + 45 m new jobseekers/year World Bank 2014: World Development Indicators

Employment by sector (2013) 23/07/2019 Employment by sector (2013) Agriculture Industry Services World 32% 23% 45% Dev. Economies and EU 4% 22% 74% Central & South-Eastern Europe and CIS 18% 27% 55% East Asia 31% 30% 39% S. E. Asia and the Pacific 40% 19% South Asia 47% LatAm and the Caribbean 16% 21% 64% Middle East 15% 58% North Africa 49% Sub-Saharan Africa 61% 9% ILO 2014: Global Employment Trends

Sectoral shares in employment, 2013 23/07/2019 Sectoral shares in employment, 2013 ILO 2009: KILM 6th edition

The dual challenge of the 21st century Environment: Averting climate change Protecting life-support on earth Social challenge: Decent work for all Well-being and dignity for the excluded

“GDP of the Poor” most seriously impacted by natural resource destruction (and pricing)

Job effect of transition to Greener Economies? Global net job gains possible: Growth 0.5 – 2 % of global workforce 2030 net +19 – 76 m jobs (extrapolated country scenarios) NOT result of green jobs alone

Economy-wide employment impact of greening economies

Social inclusion and jobs: access to clean energy Poor households spend 3-20 times more than richer ones on energy 1.1 billion people in developing counties no access to clean modern energy Bangladesh Small solar household panels provide over 4.5 million poor rural families for clean electricity Female technicians 127,000 jobs by 2015

Skills training Brazil ‘My house-my life’ social housing program 500,000 houses+ solar heating 40% saving energy bills + 30,000 jobs in manufacturing & installation Bangladesh ‘Solar System’ 100,000 jobs by 2015 Technical and Vocational Institutions Job placement and linking with renewable energy service providers Promoting solar entrepreneurship through business skills and finance No transition in Bangladesh, as 50% lack access to electricity

Zambia 6,667 programme beneficiaries of MSMEs and their workers Support the creation of 2549 full-time equivalent jobs Improved quality of 1424 jobs through extension of social protection

Social protection India: NREGA US$ 8 bill (only ~ 0.4% GDP) 23/07/2019 Social protection India: NREGA US$ 8 bill (only ~ 0.4% GDP) Benefit 59 million hh Adaptation, irrigation, reforestation Poland: 1990-2006 restructuring 388,000=> 119,000 jobs Social program and retraining 75% transitioned to new jobs

Main messages Key problem for poor: informal, low productivity jobs not unemployment Poor heavily dependent on ‘nature’ impacted by degradation, but also sustainability/climate policies Agriculture = elephant in the room ~1 bn workers, mostly smallholder farmers in S-Asia and Africa Greening economies can create more and better jobs Good examples of green inclusion exist, but don’t have scale National assessments needed for just transitions to green economy: ILO Guidelines, GAIN

SOME SUGGESTIONS Transition to sustainable agriculture critical – higher productivity, scale, entrepreneurship, non-farm rural economy ‘Energy for all’ major opportunity (electricity via renewables– delivery model crucial Social protection floors powerful tool – resilience, recovery (fishing e.g.), enabling transitions Housing and sustainable buildings – SMEs Anticipate change: ILO guidelines for just transition; GAIN (Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network)

For more information Green Jobs www.ilo.org/green-jobs-programme GAIN – Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/green-jobs/news/WCMS_584381/lang--en/index.htm Green Economy http://www.unep.org/greeneconomy/ poschen@ilo.org