How are we going to …. ?
Improve standards of safety and quality In line with national standards and regulations Professional standards and expectations – GMC, NMC and HCPC Fundamentals of care – always events, care promises to patients expected standards of practice
High standards ‘The standard you walk past is the standard you accept’! Compassionate and committed standards of practice Putting the patient first – personalised care Accrediting quality care Reinforcing professional identity, standards and accountability Understand the barriers at the frontline to achieving this and make it easier to achieve high standards Empower the leaders Holding each other to account, being open and honest and freedom to speak up ‘Harm-free’ Care Reducing deaths/mortality Improving clinical outcomes Audit and accreditation – measuring standards
Transform our mental health and community services
Mental Health Transformation Draft model, developed through more than 12 months of co-design will be completed Extensive testing of draft model and engagement within and outside of the Trust Finalise model and publish Agree implementation plan Phased implementation Adjust and evolve model, in line with operational learning and strategic changes
Community services redesign
Environments will be welcoming, clean and safe
Environments Review our mental health and learning disability service buildings and develop a 5 to 10 year plan to re-provide Invest in improving our existing buildings Continue to focus on using our buildings as efficiently as possible – every penny saved in this area is a penny we can put towards staffing and patient care.
Involve our patients, carers and families
Patient involvement Meaningful involvement is about genuine partnership working based on empowering and working with patients and carers Growth of our ‘Experts by Experience’ members New ‘Talk & Listen’ Volunteer role to understand what matters most to patients New Community Knowledge Service Meaningful involvement is happening here! Meaningful involvement can work at many levels - Involvement at an individual level – partnership between clinician and patient delivering person centred care – Involvement at a service level - listening to and acting on patient feedback (FFT/complaints/concerns) and using this feedback to change and improve our services and involve patients in recruitment or meetings such as PCEG – Involvement at a community level - using co-design where services and patients work together and affect decision making processes –Always Events is an improvement methodology – understanding ‘What matters most’ = small changes can have a big impact. Involvement can lead to improved outcomes and satisfaction with our services for patients. How / What services can do - An Expert by experience (EbE) is someone with a lived experience of mental health – a local patient or carer who is involved in supporting us to improve services using a focused piece of work – for example - Recovery and Collaborative care planning café – an EbE talks to patients about their care plan and uses a tool to evaluate quality (PROM in this case). We are creating a NEW ‘Talk & Listen volunteer role’ where we will ask volunteers to support face to face feedback forums where patients tell us ‘what matters most’. We have approximately 400 volunteers providing in excess of 50 different roles – what are your volunteers telling you about patients experiences- how do we capture and demonstrate that? New Community Knowledge Service – we recognise the complexities between health and social support and this service aims to help patients living in the community get timely info about activities in the community – staff will be able to access telephone advice and support for patients – help patients network with organisations outside of the NHS for their well being. Can be referred to as social prescribing. Real involvement examples – ‘Kneed to chat’ - volunteer comes into the Bradgate Unit to work with patients to bake bread and pizza. Experts by Experience have co-designed their framework for involvement activity including the development of Support and wellbeing plans/ Registration with the Trust and Role descriptions An Expert by Experience joined PCEG meetings first for a corporate meeting in trust We have Expert by Experience on recruitment panels- CEO / CN – some services offer this also
Be well-governed and sustainable
Well-governed and sustainable Implement the recommendations of all external reviews to improve the way we manage the Trust Focus on making sure our services are both clinically and financially viable and are able to deliver commissioned services. Deliver our financial plan and statutory financial duties.
Implement single electronic patient record
Single patient record One patient record across majority of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (with patient consent) Ease of access is key principle Currently planning data migration and thanks to everyone who is getting involved in reviewing the clinical templates
Improve culture, equality and inclusion
Workforce race equality standard Support and development for our BAME workforce Personally written out to our BAME Workforce BAME staff focus groups - listening events - Joint workshop with National WRES team New Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Lead started Focus groups have agreed priority actions Recruitment and selection Support for our BAME staff career progression Cultural competence and awareness of all staff Zero Tolerance campaign Unconscious Bias training LLR Reverse Mentoring programme
Culture and leadership programme Why ? Our staff & our patients - high quality care Culture is the way we do things round here - its a huge driving enabler Getting it right and engaging our staff will in turn support driving forward our strategic priorities How? A personal call to action 90+ Change Champions engaged and trained Leadership surveys, focus groups, board interviews Five key elements to high quality care cultures Discover, Design and Deliver
Make it easy for people to access our services
Access Implementing our CAMHS improvement plan to deliver better access to services for children and young people Delivering our Trust-wide waiting times improvement plan and improving performance against our 11 priority targets Ensuring no one waits over 52 weeks for any of our services Achieving our national waiting time targets Using our learning to support transformational change in our community and mental health services
Implement a Trust-wide approach to quality improvement
Trustwide approach to QI There are lots of quality improvement (QI) projects underway We need to focus quality improvement on our strategic objectives A new QI framework model will be launched soon including: training for all in a tiered approach based on the IHI model a support offer from a virtual faculty Support for directorate and service QI groups How can we share learning between services and directorates?
What can you do personally, and as a team, to shape and deliver each priority? QUESTIONS FOR THE PANEL